通过静态代码分析工具lint在Spelling typo得到save to project-level dictionary? save to application-level dictionary? 应用application级字典是IDE级字典(您可以说IDE的全局字典).如果您将一个单词保存到这个字典中,它将被IDE中打开的所有项目/新项目所接受. 然而,如果您将其添加到project级字典中,则仅对该项目可用.如果你打开一个新项目,你必须再添加一个单词. 引用:https://stac…
In the previous post Use Prerender to improve AngularJS SEO, I have explained different solutions at 3 different levels to implement Prerender. In this post, I will explain how to implement a ASP.NET HttpModule as a application level middleware to im…
In the previous post Use Prerender to improve AngularJS SEO, I have explained different solutions at 3 different levels to implement Prerender. In this post, I will explain how to implement a ASP.NET Core Middleware as a application level middleware…
在运行的时候常常出现如下错误: Error: java: Compliance level '1.6' is incompatible with target level '1.8'. A compliance level '1.8' or better is required 解决办法如下: 1. 点击File标签里的Settings, 选择Build,Execution,Deployment->Compiler->Java Compiler,将其中的其中的版本改成1.8: 2. 点击Fil…
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal OJ: https://oj.leetcode.com/problems/binary-tree-level-order-traversal/ Given a binary tree, return the level order traversal of its nodes' values. (ie, from left to right, level by level). For example: Given binary…
1.dictionary = gensim.corpora.Dictionary(clean_content)  对输入的列表做一个数字映射字典, 2. corpus = [dictionary,doc2vec(cl_content) for cl_content in clean_content]  # 输出clean_content每一个元素根据dictionary做数字映射后的结果 3.lda = gensim.model.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus=corpus,…
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text; namespace ConsoleApplication4{ class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Person>> dicFull = Person.GetFullDic(); S…
原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/limitcode/p/7906447.html npm install moduleName 命令 . 安装模块到项目node_modules目录下. . 不会将模块依赖写入devDependencies或dependencies 节点. . 运行 npm install 初始化项目时不会下载模块. npm install -g moduleName 命令 . 安装模块到全局,不会在项目node_modules目录中保存模块包. . 不…
Add reference to log4net.dll to our console service host project (our application entry point) Add the following line to the above project's AssemblyInfo.cs file (allows a custom log4net config file to be specified, which log4net will "watch" fo…
1.前言 本章主要介绍了ARMV7体系结构及其定义的属性,以及本手册定义的ARMV7M属性. 主要包括: ARMV7体系结构和属性 ARMV7M属性 ARMV7M扩展 2. ARMV7体系结构和属性 ARMV7-A 应用属性,支持ARM和THUMB指令集,内存管理模型中需要虚拟地址支持 ARMV7-R 实时属性,支持ARM和THUMB指令集,内存管理模型只需要支持物理地址模型 ARMV7-M 微处理器属性,只支持Thumb指令集,实施的总体规模和确定性的操作比单纯的性能更重要 注:当在ARMV7…