# openssl ecparam -list_curves secp384r1 : NIST/SECG curve over a 384 bit prime field secp521r1 : NIST/SECG curve over a 521 bit prime field prime256v1: X9.62/SECG curve over a 256 bit prime field The problem is that sfcbd's default secp224r1 ECDH cu…
Bug 11775332  cluvfy fails with PRVF-5636 withDNS response timeout error but error text is not clear Thisnote gives a brief overview of bug 11775332.   The content was last updated on:17-JUN-2013  Click here fordetails of each of the sections below.…
Symptoms If you experience an ungraceful shutdown of the database (for example, because of a power outage), you may experience these symptoms: The VMware VirtualCenter Server service fails to start. ODBC connection to the database tests successfully…
假如Kafka集群中一个broker宕机无法恢复, 应该如何处理? 今天面试时遇到这个问题, 网上资料说添加新的broker, 是不会自动同步旧数据的. 笨办法 环境介绍 三个broker的集群, zk,kafka装在一起 | broker | IP | broker.id | |---------|---------------|-----------| | broker1 | | 211 | | broker2 | | 212 | |…
一.     Apache Qpid的安全机制简介 Apache Qpid提供多种安全机制,包括用户认证.规则定制的授权.消息加密和数字签名等.Apache Qpid使用SASL框架实现对用户身份的认证,使用访问控制列表(ACL)对角色用户的权限进行管理控制,消息加密和数字签名则是使用SSL安全套接字层来实现. 二.     用户认证 AMQP使用SASL(Simple Authentication and Security Layer)对连接到Broker的每一个客户端进行身份认证.SASL是…
This is a common question asked by many Kafka users. The goal of this post is to explain a few important determining factors and provide a few simple formulas. More Partitions Lead to Higher Throughput The first thing to understand is that a topic pa…
Kafka is a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system. It was originally developed at LinkedIn and became an Apache project in July, 2011. Today, Kafka is used by LinkedIn, Twitter, and Square for applications including log aggregation, queuing,…
今天遇到一个情况使用了 Kafka-python 1.3.3 来操作读取 broker 1.0.1 版本的 kafka.出现了 rebalance 之后分配到了客户端,但是 cpu 利用率很高且无法消费的情况. 先是排查了连接方面和代码方面的问题,后来发现都没有问题就把注意力转移到了 kafka-client 本身. 搜索相关问题首先搜到了 kafka-python issues 1033 When no module exists to handle Snappy decompression,…
今天我们来学习一下kafka的简单的使用与配置.世上有可以挽回的和不可挽回的事,而时间经过就是一种不可挽回的事. kafka的安装配置 一.kafka的使用场景 活动跟踪:网站用户与前端应用程序发生交互,前端应用程序生成用户活动相关的消息 传递消息:应用程序向用户发送通知就是通过传递消息来实现 度量指标和日志记录:应用程序定期把度量指标或者日志消息发布到kafka主题上,可读被监控或者被专门的日志搜索系统(elasticsearch)分析. 提交日志:可以把数据库的更新发布到kafka上,应用程…
Kafka报错处理 1.   记一次kafka报错处理   Kafka停止后,再启动的时候发生了报错: [2017-10-27 09:43:18,313] INFO Recovering unflushed segment 15000679 in log mytest-0. (kafka.log.Log) [2017-10-27 09:43:18,972] ERROR There was an error in one of the threads during logs loading: ja…