Push pull 就以下面這個 電路來說, 因為沒有 pull up resistor, 所以 output voltage 由 low 往 high 的速度會較快. 有兩個電晶體,一個on,一個 off, 可以 current sourcing,也可以 current sinking, 因為 current sourcing 是由 ic 內部提供所以 功率也會大些. Out voltage 由 ic 的電源決定. 一個總線上只能有一個 push pull circuit, 為什麼呢? {{u…
I have made a lot of changes, when I am trying to push them - I am getting the next error: You cannot push branch master to remote origin because there are new commits in the remote repository’s branch. Pushing this branch would result in a non-fast-…