场景:activeandroid拷贝数据库 (1)复制sql数据库到项目的assets目录,例如/myapp/src/main/assets/prepop.db (2)确保manifest的AA_DB_NAME值与数据库名称一致, 报错activeandroid no such table 更新最新的activeandroid的jar包 添加权限…
解决mysql出现“the table is full”的问题 2010-12-20 09:15:17 分类: LINUX 今天中午收到mysql错误日志监控发来的警报,错误日志如下: 101209 13:13:32 [ERROR] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: The table 'test_1291870945841162' is full101209 13:13:32 [ERROR] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: The table…
先上代码 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var idTmr; function getExplorer() { var explorer = window.navigator.userAgent; //ie if (explorer.indexOf("MSIE") >= 0) { return 'ie'; } …
activeandroid no such table 解决activeandroid no such table failed to read row 0 column 1 from a cursorwindow which 原因是没有添加主键id @Table(name = "tablename", id = "id") public class RecipeModel extends BaseModel{ @Column(name = "id&quo…