一.IP数据报格式 IP数据报格式如下: 注:需要注意的是网络数据包以大端字节序传输,当然头部也得是大端字节序,也就是说: The most significant bit is numbered 0 at the left, and the least significant bit of a 32-bit value is numbered 31 on the right. The 4 bytes in the 32-bit value are transmitted in the orde…
1.拓扑图 2.R1配置 The device is running! <Huawei>sys <Huawei>system-view Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z. [Huawei]sysn [Huawei]sysname r1 [r1]int [r1]interface ? Bridge-if Bridge-if interface Dialer Dialer interface Eth-Trunk Ethern…
DNS服务 DNS:Domain Name Service //协议 实现:BIND(Berkeley Internet Name Domain) 监听端口: UDP:53 TCP:53 名称解析:将一种格式的信息转化为另外一种格式,以某关键字为标准查找某一数据库的过程 passwd <--> nsswitch转换login:nsswitch为login提供服务nsswitch配置文件在/etc/nsswitch hosts:存放的为主机与ip.别名…