Oracle learning note】的更多相关文章

oracle SQL select 'para1' || 'para2' as "para" must "" from table t where in ('test1','test2') group by, having count() show data group by "count(*)","id","name",selected fields must equa… This is my learning note base on the “SQL Server Essentials for Oracle DBAs Jump Start” . DATA BLOCK/EXTEND AND SEGMENT image:…
Summary of my learning note for WPF Binding Binding to DataSet. when we want to add new record, we should modify DataTable, not the DataTableView. Validation when Binding we can get the detail descrition from msdn. For ValidationRules, generally, we…
Machine Learning Note Introduction Introduction What is Machine Learning? Two definitions of Machine Learning are offered. Arthur Samuel described it as:"the filed of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed…
  shell learning note MAIN="/usr/local/" # 变量大写 STATUS="$MAIN/status" # 美元符加字符串是引用变量值,而美元符加数字表示命令行参数 echo "some words" >>$STATUS/log.log echo " start at `date '+%m/%d %H:%M:%S'`" >>$STATUS/log.log…
1. view the default user account SQL> select username from dba_users; 2. lock all users and set their password to expired SQL> select ‘alter user ‘|| username || ‘ password expire account lock;’ from dba_users; 3. A locked user can only be accessed… to create a tablespace that employs the most common features create tablespace tb_name #create bigfile tablespace tb_name datafile ‘/u01/dbfile/orcl/tb_name.dbf’ size 100m autoextend on maxsize 1000m #don’t recommend use the AUTOEXTEND feature.…
Vbird Linux: Vim Learning: Bash Shell: Key words of reminder: /etc/passwd history alias [Tab] Wildcard type ---builtin commands \[Enter] echo $variable…
Just sharing the learning experience related to @ngrx/store and @ngrx/effects. In my personal opinion, I fell there are tow different types of coding style by using @ngrx/store only @ngrx/store + @ngrx/effects So How we do with only ngrx/store? Contr…
Machine Learning 这是第一份机器学习笔记,创建于2019年7月26日,完成于2019年8月2日. 该笔记包括如下部分: 引言(Introduction) 单变量线性回归(Linear Regression with One Variable) 线性代数(Linear Algebra) 多变量线性回归(Linear Regression with Multiple Variables) Octave 逻辑回归(Logistic Regression) 正则化(Regularizat…
好几天没来学习了,昨晚把继承的又整理了一下.想把整理后的东西发到hexo博客上来,却发现命令行又失效了.前几天明明是好的,这几天又没有进行任何操作,网上搜了一下也没有招到合适的解决办法,无奈只能重装了.小白就是要折腾,下面贴上继承的第一个学习笔记 How to design the inheritance tree 1.Look for objects that have common attributions and behaviors.2.Design a class that repres…
[Andrew Ng NIPS2016演讲]<Nuts and Bolts of Applying Deep Learning (Andrew Ng) 中文详解:…
1. Java Classloader 链接: 摘要: The Java Classloader is a part of the JRE that dynamically loads Java classes into the JVM. Usually only loaded on demand. In Java, libraries are typically packaged in JAR fil…
1/  int 转换成 string 格式 #include<sstream> std::stringstream ss; str::string temp; int n; ss<<n; ss>>temp; //再次使用时  需要  ss.clear();  或者重新定义 方法1: string转换成int atoi(str.c_str()) 函数 string s; int re; re= atoi(s.c_str()); 方法2 : int b= stoi(stri…
from:     因为kali linux基于debian 7,当然要把这台Acer 4736z原有的debian 7删掉装kali啦,哈哈,这下不必为了BT5装虚拟机了,对于本子里60G的SSD来说还是好事一桩.要把kali当做桌面使用,就必须给kali添加一些软件,修改一些设置才好用,下面记录一下备忘,随时更新.   安装方法,官方文档,硬盘安装Kali Linux   把apt源设为官…
为啥写这一片文章呢? 主要是为了温故而知新和分享,也是为了更加促进自己的学习! 前端自动化工具很多  有grunt  gulp  webpack 等 这次主要分享下gulp的学习经验,让自己更好的总结和学习,好了下面开始啦哈哈. 首先说一个问题是我们为啥要使用自动化工具也叫构建工具,看名字应该就猜的差不多了吧,之所以叫做工具肯定是要用它了,用它可以简化流程操作,帮助我们更好的完成项目. 在没有自动化工具甚至是编辑器的时候我们是怎样工作的呢,相信大家可能都是一样的,比如你要  新建一个css im…
1.softmax函数的优化来防止溢出函数的使用 返回值为数组中最大值的索引 a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 7] print(np.argmax(a)) 若np.argmax()中的参数为矩阵,则需要添加axis参数 e.g. a = [[12, 2, 3], [9, 14, 7]] # 显示每一行(横向)的最大值的索引 print(np.argmax(a, axis=1)) # output: [0 1] # 显示每一列(纵向)的最大值的索引 print(…
1. Prepare Input File $ tleap >source leaprc.protein.ff14SB ----- Source: /home/wangq/Programs/amber16/dat/leap/cmd/leaprc.protein.ff14SB ----- Source of /home/wangq/Programs/amber16/dat/leap/cmd/leaprc.protein.ff14SB done Log file: ./leap.log Loadin…
menu list: custom controller custom 模块使用 custom model custom middleware custom service ? 路由与对应的controller处理: 用命令行 & controller 变化 wade-mac:fin_server_invest mac$ sails generate controller mail sendmaillog info: Created a new controller ("mail&quo…
感觉周末没事就喜欢折腾点东西,看到KBengine这一款开源服务器引擎,之前也研究过一阵子Photon,但是要收费,弃之.觉得不错,研究下,顺便记录之. 启动环境 首先需要装好MySql与Python,都是最新版本即可. 下载源码 KBengine 国内镜像 下载这几个,第一个是源码,其他两个是Demo Build Install 作者很贴…
AsyncTask 实现原理 AsyncTask是Android提供的轻量级异步类,可以直接继承AsyncTask在类中实现异步操作,并提供接口反馈当前的异步执行程度(通过接口实现UI进度更新),最后反馈执行的结果给UI主线程. 使用优点 1.简单快捷的实现异步操作 2.过程可控 使用的缺点: 1.在使用多个异步操作并需要进行UI变更时会变得复杂 Handler 实现原理 在Handler异步实现时,涉及到Handler, Looper, Message, Thread四个对象, 实现异步的流程…
I am working on the Andrew Ng's course on Machine Learing. I have a question on the week2 session. Is there anybody can tell me why there is a 1/2m in front of the cost function.…
P6 EPPM Manual Installation Guide (Oracle Database) P6 EPPM Manual Installation Guide (Oracle Database) Contents Oracle Database Manual Configuration Overview ,,★★5 Oracle Database Installation ,,★★6 Creating the Database Structure for Oracle and Loa…
Purpose This tutorial covers creating a RESTful Web Service and accessing the Web Service through an application in Application Express 4.2. This tutorial also covers consuming the Web Service using a Java client. Time to Complete Approximately 40 mi…
环境:Windows 2008 R2 + Oracle 应用最新bundle patch后,扫描依然报出漏洞 Oracle Database Server 'TNS Listener'远程数据投毒漏洞(CVE-2012-1675) 1.确定解决方案 2.应用解决方案 3.验证修补情况 4.Reference 1.确定解决方案 安全厂家给出的解决办法: 链接:…
Redundant Interconnect with Highly Available IP (HAIP) 简介   从11.2.0.2开始,Oracle 的集群软件Grid Infrastructure(GI)中新增了Redundant Interconnect with Highly Available IP(HAIP),以实现集群私网的高可用性和负载均衡.   在11.2.0.2之前,私网的冗余一般是通过在OS上做网卡绑(如bonding, EtherChannel等)实现的,有了HAI…
參考:1529864.1 ************************************************** RAM                                  Swap Space Between 1 GB and 2 GB       1.5 times the size of RAM Between 2 GB and 16 GB      Equal to the size of RAM More than 16 GB                …
Oracle EBS R12 (12.1.3) Installation Linux(64 bit) Contents Objective. 3 1 Download & Unzip. 3 Download. 3 Unzip. 3 MD5 Checksums. 4 2 Pre-Install Task. 5 Disk Space. 5 Specific Software Requirements. 5 RPM... 6 JDK. 8 OS User & Group. 11 3 Instal…
Learning Note For MvvmLight MvvmLight quitstart refer link1 : MVVMLight HelloWorld *** mc:Ignorable usage. we have a lot of places using mc:Ignorable in our xaml. it is used to Comment code in to use it in our xaml, we can refer this topic.…
数据库 PSU,SPU(CPU),Bundle Patches 和 Patchsets 补丁号码快速参考 (文档 ID 1922396.1) 文档内容   用途   详细信息   Patchsets   PSU, SPU(CPU), Bundle Patches   10.2.0…