IF 推断 之前也写过简单的shell脚本,也不是转职运维.和系统相关的工作比較少.所以不怎么熟练. 近期因为系统总是出现各种乱七八糟的问题,也没有人来协助.仅仅好自己写shell脚本了,都是些基础的脚本.但因为shell的语法和通常的高级语言有些不一样,所以还是要系统的看下经常使用的部分. if语句就是非常重要的一个. 这样的文章非常多,仅仅是拿来主义,假设有心得体会也会加上.小计下以后备查. 基本结构: if语句块须要使用if结束 if condition then statements…
public class ASCTest { public static void main(String[] args) { /* 区别这两种 String s = "123"; int a1 = Integer.parseInt(s); a1 = Integer.valueOf(s); String s2 = Integer.toString(a1); s2 = String.valueOf(a1); */ char a = 'A'; int b = charToASC(Strin…
create or replace function ischar(chr varchar2) return varchar2 is ischr varchar2(5); begin select case when ascii(chr) between 65 and 122 THEN 'true' else 'false' end into ischr from…
select cast(a.Vchcode as int) as avchcode,a.ptypeid,a.assqty,unit,b.pfullname,b.standard,b.type from ldtdlysale a left outer join ldtptype b on a.ptypeid = b.ptypeid cast(a.vchcode as int)-------------就是他了…
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shannon_(unit) 1字节(英语:Byte)=8比特(英语:bit) The shannon (symbol Sh), also known as a bit, is a unit of information and of entropy defined by IEC 80000-13. One shannon is the information content of an event occurring when its…