addict addiction – a biopsychosocial [生物社会心理学的 bio-psycho-social] disorder characterized by persistent [持续的] use of drugs (including alcohol) despite substantial [相当大的] harm and adverse consequences [有害后果]addictive drug – psychoactive [影响精神的 psycho-a…
addict Addiction is a biopsychosocial disorder characterized by repeated use of drugs, or repetitive engagement in a behavior such as gambling, despite harm to self and others. According to the "brain disease model of addiction," while a number…
HTTP The Definitive Guide Early web pioneers tried using the IP address of the client as a form of identification. This scheme works if each user has a distinct IP address, if the IP address seldom (if ever) changes, and if the web server can determi…
TNS-12555 / TNS-12560 / TNS-00525 Error listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=EXTPROC1))) Problem: LSNRCTL for Linux: Version – Production on 21-SEP-2011 12:54:12 Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Welc…
在连接mysql jdbc时候,抛出了 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Communication link failure, message from server: "Can't get hostname for your address" 的错误,无论是使用jdbc:mysql://还是jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306都出…
In this problem, your job to write a function to check whether a input string is a valid IPv4 address or IPv6 address or neither. IPv4 addresses are canonically represented in dot-decimal notation, which consists of four decimal numbers, each ranging…
我们常常在执行 httpd –k restart 重启Apache时报错提示: (OS 10048)通常每个套接字地址(协议/网络地址/端口)只允许使用一次. : AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available, shutting downAH00015: Unable to open logs 如图: 解决方法: 直接干掉一个httpd.exe然后再…