SAE J1850 VPW Implement】的更多相关文章

---恢复内容开始--- OBDII Interface Project When I can ever find enough time away from schoolwork, I try to work on an OBDII compliant portable ScanTool. However, with my current course load and lab projects progress on this project has been very slow. I fi…
SAE J1850 VPW 接口芯片电路 SAE J1850 PWM 接口芯片电路 SAE J2411 SWC 接口芯片电路 ISO 11898 CAN 接口芯片电路 CANH 和CANL 上的电容 CANH 和CANL 输出到GND 的一对匹配电容CH 和CL 经常被用于提高抗电磁干扰的性能 相应噪声源的阻抗RF 和CANH 和CANL 对地的电容组成了一个RC 低通滤波器 在抗干扰的性能的问题上电容的值应该尽可能大才能获得低的角频率, 另一方面输出级的整个电容负载和阻抗为数据信号建立了一个低… j1850 The SAE J1850 bus bus is used for diagnostics and data sharing applications in vehicles. The J1850 bus takes two forms: 41.6Kbps Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) two wire differential approach (Ford vehicles) 1… OBD-II diagnostic connector The OBD-II specification provides for a standardized hardware interface—the female 16-pin (2x8) J1962 connector. Unlike the OBD-I connector, which was s… SAE J1850 VPW协议也是OBD II标准中的一种,通常应用于GM车系中. VPW英文全称是Variable Pulse Width Modulated,即可变脉宽调制. 下面从物理层特性.电平接口.帧结构.命令交互.交互时间参数.常用命令字等几个方面来介绍这种协议. Ø  物理层特性:采用10.4KB/S的波特率:通讯电平通常为7.5V:每个字节采用8位二进制数形式,没有起始位.停止位和校验位:通讯引…
产品简介: C68汽车故障诊断仪是凯尔卡公司新推出的一款集经济.简约.稳定.耐用于一体的汽车诊断设备, 该产品采用了最新的智能移植技术,集成度高:C68车型覆盖广,测试功能强大.数据准确等优点, 是目前市场上性价比极高的一款汽车诊断设备: 功能特点: A   诊断功能:车型覆盖面广,能测试几乎所有国产车和亚洲.欧洲.美洲各类型车系: B   通用性能:主机已经内置CAN测试芯片,适用于不同诊断协议的16PIN标准接头车型的测试,使用操作更便捷,更高效,无    需另外购置CAN接头,为您节约成本… COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS A “communication protocol” is a means by which data is exchanged between the vehicle’s on-board computer and an external data retrieval device, such as a Code Reader or Scan…
Vehicle Network Protocols There are 5 protocols in the OBD2 system and a car will normally only use 1 of them PROTOCOLS J1850 PWM (pulse width modulation)  used by Ford Motor Company and Mazda J1850 VPW (variable width modulation) used by General Mot… SAE standards documents on OBD-II J1962 - Defines the physical connector used for the OBD-II interface. J1850 - Defines a serial data protocol. There are 2 variants- 10.4 kbit/s (s… OBD II Software OBD Experts can provide you with ready to use off-the-shelf OBD II software implementing the following automotive protocols: ISO 9141-2 KWP 2000-4 SAE J1850 PWM (Ford SCP) SAE J1850 VPW (GM Class…