---恢复内容开始--- OBDII Interface Project When I can ever find enough time away from schoolwork, I try to work on an OBDII compliant portable ScanTool. However, with my current course load and lab projects progress on this project has been very slow. I fi…
http://www.auto-diagnostics.info/j1850 j1850 The SAE J1850 bus bus is used for diagnostics and data sharing applications in vehicles. The J1850 bus takes two forms: 41.6Kbps Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) two wire differential approach (Ford vehicles) 1…
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On-board_diagnostics#Standard_interfaces OBD-II diagnostic connector The OBD-II specification provides for a standardized hardware interface—the female 16-pin (2x8) J1962 connector. Unlike the OBD-I connector, which was s…
产品简介: C68汽车故障诊断仪是凯尔卡公司新推出的一款集经济.简约.稳定.耐用于一体的汽车诊断设备, 该产品采用了最新的智能移植技术,集成度高:C68车型覆盖广,测试功能强大.数据准确等优点, 是目前市场上性价比极高的一款汽车诊断设备: 功能特点: A 诊断功能:车型覆盖面广,能测试几乎所有国产车和亚洲.欧洲.美洲各类型车系: B 通用性能:主机已经内置CAN测试芯片,适用于不同诊断协议的16PIN标准接头车型的测试,使用操作更便捷,更高效,无 需另外购置CAN接头,为您节约成本…
http://www.crecorder.com/techInfo/commuProtocols.jsp COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS A “communication protocol” is a means by which data is exchanged between the vehicle’s on-board computer and an external data retrieval device, such as a Code Reader or Scan…
Vehicle Network Protocols There are 5 protocols in the OBD2 system and a car will normally only use 1 of them PROTOCOLS J1850 PWM (pulse width modulation) used by Ford Motor Company and Mazda J1850 VPW (variable width modulation) used by General Mot…
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On-board_diagnostics#Standards_documents SAE standards documents on OBD-II J1962 - Defines the physical connector used for the OBD-II interface. J1850 - Defines a serial data protocol. There are 2 variants- 10.4 kbit/s (s…
http://www.obdexperts.co.uk/stack.html OBD II Software OBD Experts can provide you with ready to use off-the-shelf OBD II software implementing the following automotive protocols: ISO 9141-2 KWP 2000-4 SAE J1850 PWM (Ford SCP) SAE J1850 VPW (GM Class…