报错信息 浏览器中看到的报错 错误摘要: The request was rejected because the URL contained a potentially malicious String ";" 从控制台看到的报错 2019-09-09 10:39:30,149 ERROR (DirectJDKLog.java:182)- Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path []…
今天有个接口打算使用矩阵变量来绑定参数,即使用@MatrixVariable注解来接收参数 调用接口后项目报了如下错误 org.springframework.security.web.firewall.RequestRejectedException: The request was rejected because the URL contained a potentially malicious String ";" 完成的异常栈轨迹如下 org.springframework.…
前言 最近LZ给项目框架升级, 从Spring1.x升级到Spring2.x, 在这里就不多赘述两个版本之间的区别以及升级的原因. 关于升级过程中踩的坑,在其他博文中会做比较详细的记录,以便给读者参考,不要掉进同样的坑里. 这里我们讨论一个关于URL中包含双斜杠被拦截的问题. 发现问题 升级框架之后,测试一个功能时,发现报错Http 500, 第一时间怀疑是后台功能报错.打印后台错误日志,发现报错信息:The request was rejected because the URL was no…
升级spring boot 1.5.10.RELEASE 版本后,突然发现之前能Nginx代理能请求的地址抛如下异常: org.springframework.security.web.firewall.RequestRejectedException: The request was rejected because the URL was not normalized. at org.springframework.security.web.firewall.StrictHttpFirewa…
Django版本号:1.11.15 django中ajax请求报错:You called this URL via POST, but the URL doesn't end in a slash and you have APPEND_SLASH set. Django can't redirect to the slash URL while maintaining POST data. 将from的action地址改为/结尾的就可以了或者修改settings:APPEND_SLASH=Fa…
首次提交本次代码到gitlab上,报错:Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do 报错情况如下: 错误原因: 由于在gitlab上新建空项目时候,勾选了Initialize this repository with a README这项,导致远程仓库不为空 也就是 此刻的空项目是 解决方法: 现将远程仓库的内容拉取到本地,然后再进行提交 1.删除gitlab上现有的空项目,新建项目,不要勾选Initial…
Message: FAIL - Deploy Upload Failed, Exception: [org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.FileUploadBase$SizeLimitExceededException: the request was rejected because its size (112503036) exceeds the configured maximum (52428800)] https://maxrohde.com…
Failed to parse multipart servlet request; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: The multi-part request contained parameter data (excluding uploaded files) that exceeded the limit for maxPostSize set on the associated connector 最近项目中用到…
django程序的html页面中form的method='post'的时候报错 Forbidden (403) CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.Help Reason given for failure: CSRF token missing or incorrect. In general, this can occur when there is a genuine Cross Site Request Forgery, or when D…
对于Eureka包这个错误问题:Cannot execute request on any known server,总的原因就是连接Eureka连接服务端的Url地址不对,Url地址不对很很多情况. 一.比如服务端自己连接自己报错,也就是说你可能忘记在eureka服务中配置如下代码. 默认都是开启的. eureka.client.registerWithEureka=false eureka.client.fetchRegistry=false 二.可能是你的配置的去服务注册中心的地址写错了.…
在使用ztree插件实现异步加载时遇到后台RESTEasy接收参数问题,查看后台报错: A servlet request to the URI http://localhost:8080/area/query contains form parameters in the request body but the request body has been consumed by the servlet or a servlet filter accessing the request par…
raise FormDataRoutingRedirect(request)FormDataRoutingRedirect: A request was sent to this URL ( but a redirect was issued automatically by the routing system to "". The…