
基本类型:bool,char,short,int,long,float,double 对于char,short,int,long: 多字节类型赋值给少字节类型,对低字节的细节感兴趣,位模式拷贝. 少字节类型赋值给多字节类型,进行位模式扩展,注意符号,符号扩展. float表示法:表示为1.x的(-127-128)次方,可以对数字进行乘2或除2得到1.x的模式再进行表示. 在整型与浮点型互相赋值的过程中,会重新计算值,得到新的位模式,而不是单纯的位模式拷贝. ; float f = i; 直接对原…
1.网络 2.多线程 3.各种图形 4.动画 5.面向对象的数据库   Preconditions: 1.CS106 A和B 或CS106X 2.CS107或CS108更好 3.CS110就更好了 熟悉面向对象编程 消息  实例变量 父类和子类 IOS7是完全面向对象的 其整个结构和设计都是面向对象的 每周一个作业  期末一个项目 希望同学们有更多的编程经验   IOS中有些什么? Core OS. Core Service.Media.Cocoa Touch(应用层:包括按钮和开关) BSD…
Awesome Courses  Introduction There is a lot of hidden treasure lying within university pages scattered across the internet. This list is an attempt to bring to light those awesome courses which make their high-quality material i.e. assignments, lect…
Computer Science MS Degree MS Degree or Depth       45.00 Hours Required   http://scpd.stanford.edu/online-engineering-courses.jsp The Master of Science degree in Computer Science indicates two things to prospective employers. First, it guarantees th…
重要注意 紫色解释 蓝色分类 新内容 CS193P 本课老版本 2010 年冬 http://open.163.com/movie/2010/6/C/7/M6RU83DCT_M6RU957C7.html                                     iOS5  http://v.163.com/special/opencourse/ipadandiphoneapplication.html CS06A(java) 编程方法学 CS106B 抽象编程(C++,内存) CS…
I dont know where to start so searched the net and get a lot of free videos, my plan is to watch them all, buy a mac mini, then  sign a train school,then change jobs. Plan to done before December of 2015. Wish this not so stupid of me could achieve.…
http://exploredegrees.stanford.edu/coursedescriptions/cs/ CS 101. Introduction to Computing Principles. 3-5 Units. Introduces the essential ideas of computing: data representation, algorithms, programming "code", computer hardware, networking, s…