what is oop terminology an example class default methods for classes static attibute assigment and copying inheritance polymorphism why oop? 1. helps in creating and maintaining large testbench: You can creat complex data types and tie them togeth…
what to randomize? (1) primary input data <==one data (2)encapsulated input data <== muti group data (3)protocol exceptions,errors and violations (4)delays overview 1.randomization enables users to automatically generate random input sitimuls for f…
封装可以隐藏实现细节,使代码模块化,继承可以扩展已经存在的代码模块,目的都是为了代码重用.多态是为了实现接口的重用.在SystemVerilog中,子类和父类之间多个子程序使用同一个名字的现象称为SystemVerilog的"多态(polymorphism)"特征.子类从父类扩展创建之后,子类就继承了父类的属性和方法,这是SystemVerilog的继承特征,但是这个继承特征需要遵循一定的规则: v 子类继承父类的所有属性(local除外)和方法; v 子类可以添加新的属性和方法: v…