Python在图像识别有天然的优势,今天使用pytesseract模块时遇到一个报错:“Error: one input ui-file must be specified”. 环境:windows + Python3 根据报错缺少:Tesseract-OCR ,看好多都是在github上找到windows版本的下载地址:有点慢,推荐西西上下载,注意安装完成时把下面几个捆绑软件勾掉@^@,下载后是个压缩…
input(): 要求输入合法的python表达式, 例如字串需要加"", 四则运算会自动计算. raw_input():所有输入视作字串 >>> val=input("input your expression: ")input your expression: "what is your name">>> print "your input value is: "+valyour inp…
After you download the VirtualBox install package and install it (just defualt setting). Then you should download the ubuntu.iso file from the website. There are many articles about how to do this. What I want to point out is the error when installin… When setting up a share on a Windows 2012 server, I had to use: sudo mount.cifs //server/folder /path/to/folder/ -o user=username,password=pass,vers=3.0 Note the vers=3.0.…