Knight Tournament Hooray! Berl II, the king of Berland is making a knight tournament. The king has already sent the message to all knights in the kingdom and they in turn agreed to participate in this grand event. As for you, you're just a simple pea…
Description Hooray! Berl II, the king of Berland is making a knight tournament. The king has already sent the message to all knights in the kingdom and they in turn agreed to participate in this grand event. As for you, you're just a simple peasant.…
题目描述 永无乡包含 n 座岛,编号从 1 到 n,每座岛都有自己的独一无二的重要度,按照重要度可 以将这 n 座岛排名,名次用 1 到 n 来表示.某些岛之间由巨大的桥连接,通过桥可以从一个岛 到达另一个岛.如果从岛 a 出发经过若干座(含 0 座)桥可以到达岛 b,则称岛 a 和岛 b 是连 通的.现在有两种操作:B x y 表示在岛 x 与岛 y 之间修建一座新桥.Q x k 表示询问当前与岛 x连通的所有岛中第 k 重要的是哪座岛,即所有与岛 x 连通的岛中重要度排名第 k 小的岛是哪…