在执行git pull的时候,提示当前branch没有跟踪信息: git pull There is no tracking information for the current branch. Please specify which branch you want to merge with. 是因为本地分支和远程分支没有建立联系 (使用git branch -vv 可以查看本地分支和远程分支的关联关系) . 对于这种情况有两种解决办法,就比如说要操作master吧,一种是直接指定远程ma…
使用git pull 或者 git push 的时候报错 gitThere is no tracking information for the current branch. Please specify which branch you want to merge with. See git-pull(1) for details git pull <remote> <branch> If you wish to set tracking information for thi…
在执行git pull的时候,提示当前branch没有跟踪信息: $> git pull There is no tracking information for the current branch. Please specify which branch you want to merge with. See git-pull() for details. git pull <remote> <branch> If you wish to set tracking inf…
$ git pull时遇到如下提示 $ git pull warning: no common commits remote: Counting objects: 5, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done. remote: Total 5 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 Unpacking objects: 100% (5/5), done. From github.co…
新建本地分支后将本地分支推送到远程库, 使用git pull 或者 git push 的时候报错gitThere is no tracking information for the current branch.Please specify which branch you want to merge with.See git-pull(1) for details    git pull <remote> <branch>If you wish to set tracking…
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge. 解决办法: 1.服务器代码合并本地代码 $ git stash //暂存当前正在进行的工作. $ git pull origin master //拉取服务器的代码 $ git stash pop //合并暂存的代码 2.…
Git中从远程的分支获取最新的版本到本地有这样2个命令: 1. git fetch:相当于是从远程获取最新版本到本地,不会自动merge git fetch origin mastergit log -p master..origin/mastergit merge origin/master 以上命令的含义:    首先从远程的origin的master主分支下载最新的版本到origin/master分支上   然后比较本地的master分支和origin/master分支的差别   最后进行…
Git Branching Branches in a Nutshell Branches in a Nutshell let’s assume that you have a directory containing three files, and you stage them all and commit. Staging the files computes a checksum for each one (the SHA-1 hash), stores that version of…
Bug分支: 当在一个分支上工作的时候:突然到其它分支修复bug,当前分支工作还没到要提交的程度:这时候可以使用git stash来将工作分支暂时存储起来: 用git stash list查看stash的列表 恢复: 一是用git stash apply恢复,但是恢复后,stash内容并不删除,需要用git stash drop来删除: 用git stash pop,恢复的同时把stash内容也删了 多次stash,恢复的时候,先用git stash list查看,然后恢复指定的stash 标签…