Uninstall Tool3.5.3】的更多相关文章

2.卸载所有和MySQL相关的程序,有好几个,注意,一定要删除与MySQL相关的所有的数据,不能用MySQL自带的卸载,我是用Uninstall Tool3.5.3,在卸载程序界面,右键选择与MySQL相关的程序,弹出一个菜单,选择强制删除,按照提示操作就可以了: 3.重新安装MySQL5.7即可启动MySQL5.7服务:本人猜测,是MySQL自带卸载没有把一些会引起冲突的数据给删除,导致再次安装出现的问题.…
How do I uninstall the GAC from my C# application. I am not able to uninstall, the particular exe and DLL from GAC. Is it the proper way to uninstall the GAC in C# ? public void RemoveAssembly(string ShortAssemblyName, string PublicToken) { AssemblyC…
Uninstall Tool 是一个小巧.安全.快速.强大的软件卸载删除工具,它支持在使用软件本身的卸载程序卸载完毕后,再扫描软件残留的注册及其它残余文件,将其彻底在系统删除!安装监视器可以监视每个应用程序的安装,实时监视应用程序安装在系统中的任何文件及注册表项目,当您使用Uninstall Tool卸载软件时,它会更加彻底的将其删除干净,不留痕迹!软件本身还带有管理系统随机启动程序工具,加快系统启动速度!总体而言,Uninstall Tool 拥有着Total Uninstall 的功能和令人…
How do I uninstall Java 7 and later versions on my Mac? http://www.java.com/en/download/help/mac_uninstall_java.xml sudo rm -fr /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin sudo rm -fr /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_71.jdk…
adb shell pm list packages adb uninstall com.pa.pfac…
I have installed a python package with python setup.py install How do I uninstall it? ================================================================= You need to remove all files manually, and also undo any other stuff that installation did manuall…
Stop gitlab and remove its supervision process sudo gitlab-ctl uninstall Debian/Ubuntu sudo dpkg -r gitlab Redhat/Centos sudo rpm -e gitlab Source page: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/how-to-uninstall-gitlab…
uninstall的使用 adb uninstall package_name 卸载软件adb -k uninstall package_name 完全删除,包括data/data文件夹也删掉. push与pull的使用 adb push 电脑(Window)中的文件夹    Android的文件夹 如1: adb push E:\test /storage/sdcard0/test 将电脑中test文件push到Android的test文件夹里. 如2:adb push E:\test\11.…
If you set SetupIconFile then the Uninstall Exe File (e.g. unins000.exe) will have exactly same icon implemented. One way to override displaying of this icon is setting custom UninstallDisplayIcon in [Setup] section for Control Panel Add/Remove list…
昨天在使用adb卸载程序,结果死活卸载不了.我输入的命令和系统提示如下: arthur@arthur-laptop:~$ adb uninstall com.hase.bclm.client-2.apk Failure 后来发现原来卸载程序时,只adb uninstall 后边的参数不应该是.apk文件,而是包名,即AndroidMainifest.xml文件中<manifest>节点下,package元素所指定的名字,如下所示: arthur@arthur-laptop:~$ adb uni…