D. Array GCD】的更多相关文章

D. Array GCD 题目连接: http://codeforces.com/contest/624/problem/D Description You are given array ai of length n. You may consecutively apply two operations to this array: remove some subsegment (continuous subsequence) of length m < n and pay for it m·…
Array GCD 最后的序列里肯定有a[1], a[1]-1, a[1]+1, a[n], a[n]-1, a[n]+1中的一个,枚举质因子, dp去check #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define LL long long #define fi first #define se second #define mk make_pair #define PLL pair<LL, LL> #define PLI pair<LL, int> #de…
题 You are given array ai of length n. You may consecutively apply two operations to this array: remove some subsegment (continuous subsequence) of length m < n and pay for it m·a coins; change some elements of the array by at most 1, and pay b coins…
You are given array ai of length n. You may consecutively apply two operations to this array: remove some subsegment (continuous subsequence) of length m < n and pay for it m·a coins; change some elements of the array by at most 1, and pay b coins fo…
题 You are given array ai of length n. You may consecutively apply two operations to this array: remove some subsegment (continuous subsequence) of length m < n and pay for it m·a coins; change some elements of the array by at most 1, and pay b coins…
大意: 给定序列, 给定常数a,b, 两种操作, (1)任选一个长为$t$的子区间删除(不能全部删除), 花费t*a. (2)任选$t$个元素+1/-1, 花费t*b. 求使整个序列gcd>1的最少花费. 题目有个限制是不能全部删除, 所以最后一定剩余a[1]或a[n], 暴力枚举a[1]与a[n]的所有素因子即可. 这场div. 2题目感觉都挺简单的, 但实现起来各种出错...........各种细节还是没考虑好...... #include <iostream> #include &…
这是我第一次完整地参加codeforces的比赛! 成绩 news standings中第50. 我觉这个成绩不太好.我前半小时就过了前三题,但后面的两题不难,却乱搞了1.5h都没有什么结果,然后在等System test的时候,就有点头绪了,囧.肯定是我在比赛的时候太困了(这是借口吗?). A Save Luke 考你会不会编程. B Making a String 贪心即可.这题是Hack最多的题.幸好我没有被. C Graph and String 注意到,如果某两个点之间没有边,说明其中…
B题是这样子的: 将一个n元一维向量向左旋转(即循环移位)i个位置.例如,当n=8且i=3时,向量abcdefgh旋转为defghabc.简单的代码使用一个n元的中间向量在n步内完成该工作.你能否仅使用数十个额外字节的存储空间,在正比于n的时间内完成向量的旋转? 以下题目的解答部分参考自一博文及该书参考答案. 分析: “abcdefgh”严格来说并不是一个字符串,因为'\0'是不会移动的.为了叙述方便,可以把它认为是字符串,只是不对'\0'进行操作罢了. 如果不考虑时间要求为O(n),那么可以每…
In a deck of cards, each card has an integer written on it. Return true if and only if you can choose X >= 2 such that it is possible to split the entire deck into 1 or more groups of cards, where: Each group has exactly X cards. All the cards in eac…
题意: $\sum\limits_{\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{a < = x < = b}\\{c < = y < = d}\end{array}} {\gcd (x,y) = = k} $ 解题关键: 现令$f(i)$表示有多少对${(x,y)}$满足 ${\gcd (x,y) =  = d}$,$1 <  = x <  = n,1 <  = y <  = m$ $F(d)$为有多少对${(x,y)}$满足 ${\gcd (x,y)…