Ubuntu 12.04安装vim和配置 问题: ubuntu默认没有安装vim,出现: jyg@ubuntu:~$ vim test.cThe program 'vim' can be found in the following packages: * vim * vim-gnome * vim-tiny * vim-athena * vim-gtk * vim-noxTry: sudo apt-get install <selected package> 解决: 命令行输入:sudo…
Compiling Vim from source is actually not that difficult. Here's what you should do: 1. Install all the prerequisite libraries (including Git) a. For a Debian-like Linux distribution like Ubuntu, type sudo apt install libncurses5-dev libgnome2-dev li…
vimConfig/plugin/ui-setting.vim let os = substitute(system('uname'), "\n", "", "") if os == "Darwin" winpos set lines= columns= elseif os == "Linux" winpos set lines= columns= endif colorscheme molokai set…
BundlenInstall安装autoComplPop vimConfig/plugin/autoComplPop-setting.vim "autocomplpop 设置 let g:AutoComplPop_IgnoreCaseOption= set ignorecase let g:acp_behaviorKeywordCommand="\<C-x>\<C-o>"…