koa-session2 Middleware for Koa2 to get/set session use with custom stores such as Redis or mongodb with Babel koa-session2 Middleware for Koa2 to get/set session use with custom stores such as Redis or mongodb with Babel If you are not using bab…
koahub-handlebars koahub-handlebars koahub handlebars templates Installation $ npm install koahub-handlebars Use with koa var koa = require('koa'); var hbs = require('koahub-handlebars'); var app = koa(); // koahub-handlebars is middleware. `…
koa-static-server Static file serving middleware for koa with directory, rewrite and index support koa-static-server static file serving middleware for koa with directory, rewrite and index support Installation $ npm install koa-static-server API var…
koahub-body-res koahub body res Format koa's respond json. Installation $ npm install koahub-body-res Use with koa var app = require('koa')(); var koaRes = require('koahub-body-res'); app.use(koaRes()); this.data = 'This is a body'; this.msg = 'Thi…
koahub-skip koahub skip middleware koahub skip Conditionally skip a middleware when a condition is met. Install npm i koahub-skip --save Usage With existing middlewares: var skip = require('koahub-skip'); var serve = require('koa-static'); var sta…
KoaHub平台基于Node.js开发的Koa 链接支付宝插件代码信息详情 easy-alipay alipay payment & notification APIs easy-alipay Nodejs based Alipay payment & notification APIs API Payment.createDirectPay() Create an Ali direct payment, return an Ali url so client can go to Ali…
Node.js 越来月流行.这个基于 Google V8 引擎建立的平台, 用于方便地搭建响应速度快.易于扩展的网络应用.在本文中.我们列出了2015年最佳的15个 Node.js 开发工具.这些工具对于刚刚開始学习 Node.js 的新手开发人员很有帮助.假设你知道不论什么其它实用的 Node.js 资源,请让我们知道. 1. IO.js JavaScript I/O is an npm compatible platform that was originally based on Node…