Should Assertion Library】的更多相关文章

Should Assertion Library,通常在测试时用到,可以与nunit 结合使用. 已经从codeplex 迁移到 github.网址如下 github 时常访问不了,这次能访问,主要内容先摘抄记录下,备查询. Project Description The Should Assertion Library provides a set of extension methods for test assert…
Unity 5.1+ ,加入了“断言库”,在 Asset 类中可以方便的找到需要使用断言的函数. UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsNotNull( ) 为何使用断言 使用断言可以让错误在产品“开发阶段”尽快的暴露,减少Debug的时间,这个阶段打开“断言”.“发布阶段”则关闭断言.…
When writing React component tests, it can be hard to decipher the error diffs of broken tests, since they are just the final objects that React uses under the hood. There are some nice libraries that let you extend your assertion library to show JSX…
原文地址: Key takeaways Reactor is a reactive streams library targeting Java 8 and providing an Rx-conforming API It uses the same approach and philosophy as RxJava despite some API differences It is a 4th… NET Implementations .NET Core – Core .NET Framework C# Native – Compiles C# to native. Cosmos – C# Open Source Managed Operating System, an operat…
1. QUnit A JavaScript Unit Testing framework. QUnit is a powerful, easy-to-use JavaScript unit testing framework. It's used by the jQuery, jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile projects and is capable of testing any generic JavaScript code. Features:- Similar…
在进行前端开发过程中,在某些场景下,需要通过编写单元测试来提高代码质量.而JavaScript常用的单元测试框架有这几个:QUnit, Jasmine, MoCha.下面就基于这三个工具,简单做一比较: 1. QUnit QUnit是一个JavaScript单元测试框架. 它是个强大,容易使用和上手的JavaScript单元测试框架.它被用于进行 jQuery, jQuery UI and jQuery 移动工程的测试,以及其他通用的JavaScript代码测试. Features:- Simi…
It seems almost every other week there is a new JavaScript library taking the web community by storm! The web community is increasingly vibrant, diverse and is moving rapidly on multiple fronts. It would be an impossible feat to survey every major Ja…
如今,在创建一个Web应用的过程中,你需要做出许多架构方面的决策.当然,你会希望做的每一个决定都是正确的:你想要使用能够快速开发的技术,支持持续的迭代,最高的工作效率,迅速,健壮性强.你想要精益求精并且足够敏捷.你希望你选择的技术能够在短期和长期上都让你的项目取得成功.但这些技术都不是轻而易举就能选出来的. 我的经验告诉我,全栈式JavaScript符合了这所有的要求.可能你已经发现了些许端倪,又或许你已经在考虑它的实用性,并且在和朋友讨论争论它的话题.但是你是否亲自尝试过呢?在这篇文章中,我会…
I've come across lots of terms while learning web development. I'm feeling myself overwhelmed. Here I just list all the terms I met along the way. JS Framework Angular Backbone: Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models with…