[leetcode shell]194. Transpose File】的更多相关文章

Given a text file file.txt, transpose its content. You may assume that each row has the same number of columns and each field is separated by the ' ' character. For example, if file.txt has the following content: name age alice 21 ryan 30 Output the…
194. Transpose File Given a text file file.txt, transpose its content. You may assume that each row has the same number of columns and each field is separated by the ' ' character. Example: If file.txt has the following content: name age alice 21 rya…
195. Tenth Line -- 第十行 How would you print just the 10th line of a file? Solution: awk 'NR==10' file.txt 194. Transpose File -- 转置文件 Given a text file file.txt, transpose its content. You may assume that each row has the same number of columns and ea…
首先介绍题目中要用的4个Shell命令 sed awk head tail的常用方法.(打好地基,才能建成高楼!) sed:(转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/barrychiao/archive/2012/09/27/2706300.html) 1.定位行 sed命令用来处理文本,在处理前首先要找得到待处理的行,这是逻辑上必须的.所以需要首先定位,然后对定位到的各行进行各种处理,包括插入,删除,替换等.sed -n '10p' testfile // sed命令默认会打印出经…
adb shell as root after device rooted once device rooted, we must perform "su" before we get root permission in adb shell,this is not convenient in some situations,so there have a method to get permission without perform "su". adb shel…
Given a text file file.txt, transpose its content. You may assume that each row has the same number of columns and each field is separated by the ' ' character. For example, if file.txt has the following content: name age alice 21 ryan 30 Output the…
Given a text file file.txt, transpose its content. You may assume that each row has the same number of columns and each field is separated by the ' ' character. Example: If file.txt has the following content: name age alice 21 ryan 30 Output the foll…
shell上: 0表示标准输入 1表示标准输出 2表示标准错误输出 > 默认为标准输出重定向,与 1> 相同 2>&1 意思是把 标准错误输出 重定向到 标准输出. &>file 意思是把 标准输出 和 标准错误输出 都重定向到文件file中 用例子说话: 1. grep da * 1>&2  2. rm -f $(find / -name core) &> /dev/null 上面两例中的 & 如何理解,&不是放到后台执…
Given a text file file.txt, transpose its content. You may assume that each row has the same number of columns and each field is separated by the ' ' character. For example, if file.txt has the following content: name age alice 21 ryan 30 Output the…
打开文件还有很多方法,但我了解到运用较多的是上面几种- -,为了防止以后忘记,先把了解到的写下来. 1.Shell 这个看了很多网页,最靠谱的运用方法: Shell("cmd.exe /c " & Br_PathLocal) ' 一般用shell调用cmd命令来打开文件 但问题是,命令窗口关不了- -,一同打开,需要继续挖掘. 2.IO.File.Open 这个运行没问题,但是不显示出来,第二次执行时会报错:进程已经在运行. 不太懂,先记着. 3.Process.Start(这…