July 06th. 2018, Week 27th. Friday】的更多相关文章

Life has no limitations, except the ones you make. 生命无限,除非你自我设限. From Les Brown. There would be no limitation if we can set the right goals and go all out for them. Right goals? Yes, frankly speaking, I want to single out that setting right or suitab…
Soon is not as good as now. 别谈未来,现在就行动. From Seth Godin. I always told myself that I should finish what I should do as soon as possible, but the ending might be always the same: The things were finished just before the deadlines with poor quality. An…
Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. 乐于工作才能有完美表现. From Aristole. Do you want promotion? Do you want to get some raise in paycheck? If you want, you should improve your performace in your work, make it perfect, or at least put it at a leve…
And if you really want to see what people are, all you have to do is to look. 想真正了解他人,只需要用心看. From Wonder. At least once in our life someone would do something that make us say: Why did they do that? How could they do that? Why did they make such stu…
I don't know anything with certainty, but seeing the stars makes me dream. 我不知道世间有什么事是确定不变的,但只要一看到星空,我就会开始做梦. From Loving Vincent. By comparison with uncertainty, I like certainty better, but I know life is always changing, the world is always changi…
Bad times make a good man. 艰难困苦出能人. Bad times make a good man, and hard times create strong men, but sometimes strong men did not bring good times. There is an argument that hard times require a strong man, that humans need leaders of confidence and…
Empty your cup so that it may be filled. 清空杯子,方能再次装满. From Bruce Lee. We can't learn anything new if we already feel that we know. Please stay humble, please open ourselves to new ideas, and be willing to change our preconceptions. But it is difficul…
Knowledge is the antidote to fear. 知识可以解除恐惧. Fear always steps from unknown things. Once we know what those things are, what lies behind the seemingly fearful appearance, we will successfully remove our fears. With knowledge, we even have the ability…
摘要:Seclists.Org: 微信支付SDK存在XXE漏洞:WordPress 4.9.6存在文件删除漏洞:linux中常用的文件打包/解包与压缩/解压缩命令总结… 安全播报 Seclists.Org: 微信支付SDK存在XXE漏洞 为了商家可以接受异步支付的结果,微信无意中在Java版本的SDK中造成了XXE漏洞.通过利用该漏洞,攻击者可以构造恶意的XML格式的CallBack回调数据窃取商家服务器上的信息,而从这些信息中,攻击者可能获取到十分关键的MD5安全密钥从而实现无需付款即购买商品…
Winning isn't everything, but wanting it is. 胜利并不能代表一切,但求胜心可以. From Arnold Palmer. Compared to this quote, I believe that the quote from Vince Lombardi would be more famous, it goes as following: Winning isn't everything, it is the only thing. But is…
Happiness is an inside job. 自内寻找,才能找到幸福. From William Arthur Ward. Nobody wants to suffer, and we all want to live a happy life. We are eager to be happy and we are constantly striving to pursue happiness. But in the process of cultivating happiness,…
Make each day your masterpiece. 让生命中的每一天都成为杰作. From John Wooden. Try to focus on what we are doing right now and try the best of our abilities to make the results as perfect as possible. And we must recogize that nothing can be done about what had ha…
People love what other people are passionate about. 人总是会爱上别人倾注热情的事物. From La La Land. This quote has reminded me something I had experienced in job interview. As a delegator of the employer, I have asked the interviewees some questions about what are…
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. 越是在艰难的时候就越要着眼于光明. From Aristole Onassis. When we feel the darkness presses in our life, we should trust ourselves to find the light, because it is during the darkest moments that w…
传送门 首先(想了很久之后)注意到一个性质:同一条边有多种颜色的话保留3种就可以了,这是因为假如最优解要求当前位置与相邻两条边都不相同,那么只要有3条边,就肯定可以满足这一点. 完事就做一个nlogn*3^4的倍增dp就行了……实际肯定是跑不满的(而且cc机子快). #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #define MN 510000 using namespace std; ],_F[MN][…
传送门 好久没写题解了,就过来水两篇. 对于每一个人,考虑一个序列$A$,$A_I$表示当k取值为 i 时的答案. 如果说有两个人,我们可以把$(A+B)^k$二项式展开,这样就发现把两个人合并起来的操作就是一次卷积,直接NTT就可以了. 同类人有多个,直接暴力肯定是不行的.快速幂的话不知道会不会T,我是用了多项式取ln和exp(拉板子). #include<cmath> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<al…
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算. To hope for the best and prepare for the worst was first said by John Jay in 1813. Back then, that saying made sense because life was tough, conditions were tough and people had little cont…
In life the most interesting things tend to happen when you are on your way to do something else. 生活中最有趣的事情往往在你正要做别的事情的时候出现. Do you want to persuade me not to give up my current endeavors in learning oral-language and improving my writing skills? I r…
You are never wrong to do the right thing. 坚持做对的事情,永远都不会错. I think the translation may be not precise enough, there is at least one thing that is omitted in the translation, maybe it wants to tell us it is always better later than never. So as long a…
Learn wisdom by the follies of others. 要从别人的愚行中学到智慧. How to become smart or what characters should a man have so that he can be considered as smart or wise? People say a smart man, like most of his peers, also makes mistakes, but they can learns from…
No man can make a good coat with bad cloth. 巧妇难为无米之炊. One can't make bricks without straw. There is no building built without foundations. That is the same to our life, if we want to realize our dreams, we must prepare a lot to abtain a solid foundat…
Nothing is really beautiful but truth. 只有真理才是真美. Truth can be beautiful, but it also can be cruel. We must judge it in accordance with the specific conditions. If it is cruel, we must accept it, any action to escape from it may be in vain. I want to…
Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there. 即使你处于正确的轨道上,但如果你只是坐在原地,也会被别人碾过去. From Will Rogers. I remember I have maken some comments about this topic before, but I couldn't recall the exact date. That doesn't matt…
No safe wading in an unknown water. 未知水深浅,涉水有危险. Is this the theory that has been the guideline for the China's reformation: Crossing the river by feeling for the stones. There is surely no solid answer about whether it is safe when wading in an unkn…
We laughed and kept syaing "see you soon", but inside we both knew we would never see each other again. 我们笑着说再见,但我们都心知肚明,再见遥遥无期. From The Legend of 1900. That is ture, just like sometimes we would say "I will do it in the future." or &…
Don't let the mistakes and disappointments of the past control and direct your future. 不要让你的未来被过去的错误和失望掌控. From Zig Ziglar. The mistakes and disappointments of the past might have casted some shadows on our today's life, but we shouldn't let them bec…
(1) NIPS,  Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems, A类顶会 1987年由联结主义学派创建,每年一次,美国.加拿大.西班牙举办.近年主题主要为机器学习,人工智能和统计学等. 论文: https://papers.nips.cc/ 下载脚本: http://blog.csdn.net/shouhuxianjian/article/details/78075431(转载) 2018年的会议议程: (…
本文参考了官方文档以及提供的示例代码(官方代码貌似有点误导,所以写了这一篇,并且文末有GayHub代码地址) 官方文档发布于20180806,说明NavigationView刚发布了没几天,还在开发中,所以里面的接口啥的随时会变! 随时会变! 随时会变! ,用在你的项目之前,请需要做好充足的心理准备. 不过他变任他变,效果还是非常诱人的.看一下效果图 2018 新版 NavigationView实现了汉堡菜单和顶部菜单的近乎完美结合,可以参考官方商店的设计风格,就是用的这个控件. 不过要用这个控…
最近在学python,网上很难找到对应的算法题网站,专业算法网站大部分都是国外的,之前在w3cschool看到有三个级别的Javascript脚本算法挑战,尝试用python实现,代码量相对比较少,如果你有更好的解法,还请不吝赐教,初学python,希望和大家一起日有所长. 目录 1.判断电话号码算法挑战 2.集合交集算法挑战 3.收银系统算法挑战 4.库存更新算法挑战 5.排列组合去重算法挑战 6.日期改写算法挑战 7.类及对象构建算法挑战 8.轨道周期算法挑战 9.数据组合求值算法挑战 1.…
Web 滴 Web 签到题 Web 大吉大利,今晚吃鸡 1)滴 网址http:// 参数两次base64解码一次ascii解码得到flag.php 观察只有flag.php才显示图片,尝试把index.php按规则编码获取到index的源码 <?php /* * https://blog.csdn.net/FengBanLiuYun/article/details/80616…