iOS Assembly Tutorial: Understanding ARM Do you speak assembly? When you write Objective-C code, it eventually turns into machine code – the raw 1s and 0s that the ARM CPU understands. In between machine code and machine code, though, is the still hu…
转自: Update 4/12/2013: Fully updated for iOS 6 (original post byMatthijs Hollemans, update by Ali Hafizji). This is the second part of a 2-part tutorial series…
转自: Update 4/12/2013: Fully updated for iOS 6 (original post byMatthijs Hollemans, update by Ali Hafizji). In iOS, apps can’t do a lot in the background. Apps…
arm结构处理器,几乎所有的手机都基于arm,其在嵌入式系统中应用非常广泛. ARM 处理器因为低功耗和小尺寸而闻名,它的性能在同等功耗的产品中也很出色.这里我们注意一点,模拟器并不运行arm代码,软件会被编译成x86可以运行的指令.只有在目标设备上,才会执行设备对应的指令集. ARMv6设备包括 iPhone, iPhone2, iPhone3G以及第一代和第二代iPod Touch ARMv7设备包括 iPhone3GS, iPhone4 iPad, iPad2, the new ipad…
ARM Assembly for iOS with Xcode 0. Introduction 0.1 arm asm vs. arm64(ARMv8) asm AArch64: 0.2 __arm64__, __arm__, NEON #ifdef __arm64__" and "#ifdef __arm__" NEON intrinsics 1. arm assembly 2. arm64 assembly 3. inline assembly "There a… This site contains a ton of fun written tutorials – so many that they were becoming hard to find! So I put together this little page to help everyone quickly find the tutorial they’re looking for. Hope you enjoy…
ref: 23.1. Introduction Very broadly speaking, you can divide programming languages into 4 classes. At the lowest level is machine code: raw numbers that the CPU decodes into instructions to execute. One step u… 我在写「NEON on iPhone 入门」的时候,曾以为读者已经比较了解 iOS设备的处理器知识.然而,看过网上的一些讨论,我才发现,原来这些知识并不普及,我的错.此外,我觉得了解这些东西对 iPhone编程有益(不仅仅针对喜欢 NEON 的人),即便你用的是 Objective-C,虽然,不了解也无碍工作,但这些知识会让你成为一个更好的iPhone 程序员. 基础 到目前为止,所有的 iOS 设备都使用 ARM 结构处理器,它…
1. github…
这是来自ethernut网站的一篇文章,原文链接: 另外,据说nut/os是个不错的开源os,对单片机以太网开发感兴趣的可以留意一下. 对gcc内联汇编讲解的资料很多,主要也是基于x86架构的,讲解arm的不多.而且,这篇文章对clobber list部分讲得很仔细,包括其他文章很少讲明白的"cc",所以我就果断把它收藏了. ARM GCC Inline Assembler…