[转]OpenSolaris 2009.06, dev setup】的更多相关文章

Source:http://seriouswebapps.com/opensolaris-200906-dev-setup 1. Snapshot the root zfs pool This allows us to revert to the pristine files at a later date. Open a Terminal and type: pfexec zfs snapshot -r rpool@firstboot   1.1 (Optionally) Disable sy…
Source: http://hosam.wordpress.com/2009/07/25/opensolaris-2009-06-repository-iso-images-now-available/ OPENSOLARIS 2009.06 REPOSITORY ISO IMAGES NOW AVAILABLE     The pkg(5) team is pleased to announce that a snapshot of the OpenSolaris 2009.06 /rele…
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Source: http://learnandremember.blogspot.jp/2010_01_01_archive.html Requisites: 1) RAID protection for dataWe'll use ZFS as filesystem. RAIDZ is somewhat akin to RAID5 and should provide better performance than other types of software RAID5 with seve…
原文地址:http://www.storagereview.com/fusionio_iodrive_duo_enterprise_pcie_review As part of StorageReview's continued advancements in both testing protocol and enterprise lab development, we're taking a renewed look at first generation flash drives that…
目录 . 漏洞描述 . 漏洞触发条件 . 漏洞影响范围 . 漏洞代码分析 . 防御方法 . 攻防思考 1. 漏洞描述 Insufficient output sanitizing when generating configuration file phpMyAdmin是用PHP编写的工具,用于通过WEB管理MySQL phpMyAdmin的Setup脚本用于生成配置.如果远程攻击者向该脚本提交了特制的POST请求的话,就可能在生成的config.inc.php 配置文件中包含任意PHP代码.由…
Today, we are excited to announce the public preview of Azure Dev Spaces, a cloud-native development experience for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), where you can work on your applications while always staying connected with the cloud and your team. O…
目录 1.setup命令介绍 2.使用setup命令配置IP (1)执行setup命令 (2)进入图形化配置界面 (3)选择配置IP还是DNS (4)选择要配置的网卡 (5)进入IP地址配置页面 (6)保存配置 (7)重启网络服务 (8)查看系统IP信息 (9)扩展(重点) (10)查看本地电脑能否连接虚拟机 在我们安装完Linux系统之后,通过ifconfig命令查看网卡,如下图: 可以看到只有一块叫做lo的网卡,并没有看到名称为eth0的网卡. 提示:lo这块网卡是一个本地回环网卡,IP地址…
现在的网站,总会有一点与用户交互的功能,例如允许用户上传头像,上传照片,上传附件这类的.PHP写的程序,对于上传文件效率不是很高.幸好,nginx有一个名为upload的module可以解决这个问题.网络上已经有很多关于upload module的文章,但是大部分都是介绍编译安装这些的,对于一些细节叙述不是很清楚,于是自己写了这篇.参考了很多其他人的文档,在此致谢,详细见参考文档部分. 一.upload module的工作原理nginx upload module模块通过nginx服务器来接受用…
ref: http://chrisalvares.com/blog/7/creating-an-iphone-daemon-part-1/ http://chrisalvares.com/blog/30/creating-an-iphone-daemon-part-2/ http://chrisalvares.com/blog/35/creating-an-iphone-daemon-part-3/ http://chrisalvares.com/blog/38/creating-an-ipho…