Metasploit is an amazing tool. You can use it to maneuver through vast networks, pivoting through servers and even embedded OSes.  Having a single interface for your team and yourself to control a web of servers and networks is extremely powerful.  B… 物联网兴起 我们花费大量时间来监控我们的企业网络,并使用许多工具来检测异常的行为.我们不断地扫描漏洞.公布测试.然而,我们经常不能认识到自己网络,和家庭中的小型(有时是大型)物联网(IoT)设备.令人震惊的是,考虑到它们的普遍性 – 这些设备并不是容易被测试的. RF:(无线射频识别(R…
Hybrid transaction memory systems and accompanying methods. A transaction to be executed is received, and an initial attempt is made to execute the transaction in a hardware path. Upon a failure to successfully execute the transaction in the hardware…
30.5 Examples of MIB Variables Versions 1 and 2 of SNMP each collected variables together in a single large MIB, with the entire set documented in a single RFC. After publication of the second generation, MIB-II, the IETF took a different approach by…
Welcome back. This time we’re actually gonna see triangles being rasterized – finally! But before we can rasterize triangles, we need to do triangle setup, and before I can discuss triangle setup, I need to explain what we’re setting things up for; i…
Cloud computing can broadly be broken down into three main categories based on the deployment model. Here is a definition of each one, courtesy of Wikipedia: Public Cloud Public cloud applications, storage, and other resources are made available to t…
ROSCon 2016视频和幻灯片发布 By Tully Foote on 十月19,2016 7:28 AM 全部PPT下载地址: ROSCon在各方面都创下了历史新高,超过450名与会者,比去年的赞助增加了60%. 感谢大家来和你的支持! 并感谢我们的赞助商的财务支持,使会议成长! 我们很高兴地宣布,我们已经发布了关于该计划的所有会谈的录音. 你可以找到它们链接到:…
从android P(9.0)版本开始,我们发现编译出来的OTA升级了里面多了一个文件,,这个里面存储这system与vendor分区的一些特性,用来做升级前的兼容性检查.其实从android O开始已经增加了这个功能,但是没有默认打开.直到android P上,已经默认打开了. 解压compatibility.zip后,内容如下: 我们先从google的官方了解下这个功能.…
Welcome to Part 2 of a blog series that introduces TensorFlow Datasets and Estimators. We're devoting this article to feature columns-a data structure describing the features that an Estimator requires for training and inference. As you'll see, featu…
Holographic Emulation is a new feature that vastly reduces iteration time when developing holographic applications in Unity. Developers creating applications for Microsoft HoloLens will immediately benefit by being able to prototype, debug, and itera…
学习 Neutron 系列文章: (1)Neutron 所实现的虚拟化网络 (2)Neutron OpenvSwitch + VLAN 虚拟网络 (3)Neutron OpenvSwitch + GRE/VxLAN 虚拟网络 (4)Neutron OVS OpenFlow 流表 和 L2 Population (5)Neutron DHCP Agent (6)Neutron L3 Agent (7)Neutron LBaas (8)Neutron Security Group (9)Neutro…
  SANDY BRIDGE SPANS GENERATIONS Intel Focuses on Graphics, Multimedia in New Processor Design By Linley Gwennap  {9/27/10-01} ................................................................................................................... Intel’s…
msf > show auxiliary Auxiliary ========= Name                                                  Disclosure Date  Rank       Description ----                                                  ---------------  ----       ----------- admin/2wire/xslt_pass…
这些概念性的东西,其实,有的区别不是很大,有的区别很大. Hub 就是一个重复转发器,就是从一个port接受到数据后,就会原样的向其他的所有端口发送刚才收到的数据.个人理解为是工作在物理层的东西.但是,后来发展中,出现了些所谓的智能hub,就是可以做简单的配置,实现端口管理.这个所谓的智能的hub,和后续的bridge/switch的差别貌似小了一步.下面参考外文网站上的介绍: A hub is a repeater, which is a OSI model device, the simpl…
A Full Hardware Guide to Deep Learning Deep Learning is very computationally intensive, so you will need a fast CPU with many cores, right? Or is it maybe wasteful to buy a fast CPU? One of the worst things you can do when building a deep learning sy…
[背景] 之前买的USB口的HART猫: [记录]为USB接口的HART猫ExSaf ESH232U安装对应的USB转RS232驱动 其中内部是USB转RS232. 然后打算去看看之前的自己此处的某个android程序中,是否已经添加支持了对应的USB串口驱动了. 看到对应的AndroidManifest.xml中的: <application ... <activity ... <intent-filter> <action android:name="andro…
visual studio 2015支持Android开发了. Microsoft released Visual Studio 2015 Preview this week and with it you now have options for Android development. When choosing one of those Android development options, Visual Studio will also install the brand new Vi…
Android Debug Bridge Introduction     Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile command line tool that lets you communicate with an emulator instance or connected Android-powered device. It is a client-server program that includes three components: A…
本文行文目录: 一.Camera与Matrix初步认识 二.Camera与Matrix旋转效果拆分介绍 三.Camera与Matrix实现立体3D切换效果 [csdn地址:] 一.Camera与Matrix初步认识 android中一共有两个Camera,分别为: android.hardware.Camera 今天我们要说的是第一个C…
转自: Migrate your workload from InfluxDB to TimescaleDB with just a single command Users are often asking us how to migrate off of InfluxDB because they want the reliability and fl…
文章标题 Introducing Apache Spark Datasets 作者介绍 Michael Armbrust, Wenchen Fan, Reynold Xin and Matei Zaharia 文章正文 Developers have always loved Apache Spark for providing APIs that are simple yet powerful, a combination of traits that makes complex analys…
Metasploit是一个免费的.可下载的渗透测试框架,通过它可以很容易地获取.开发并对计算机软件漏洞实施攻击测试.它本身附带数百个已知软件漏洞的专业级漏洞攻击测试工具. 当H.D. Moore在2003年发布Metasploit时,计算机安全状况也被永久性地改变了.仿佛一夜之间,任何人都可以成为黑客,每个人都可以使用攻击工具来测试那些未打过补丁或者刚刚打过补丁的漏洞. 正是因为Metasploit团队一直都在努力开发各种攻击测试工具,并将它们贡献给所有Metasploit用户,软件厂商再也不能…
桥接模式将抽象部分与它的实现部分分离,使它们都可以独立地变化.它是一种对象结构型模式,又称为柄体(Handle and Body)模式或接口(Interface)模式.桥接模式类似于多重继承方案,但是多重继承方案往往违背了类得单一职责原则,其复用性比较差,桥接模式是比多重继承方案更好的解决方法. 优点: 1)可以将接口与实现相分离. 2)提高了可扩展性. 3)对客户端隐藏了实现的细节. 使用场景: 1)想避免在抽象及其实现之间存在永久的绑定. 2)抽象及其实现可以使用子类进行扩展. 3)抽象的实…
笔记前言: <Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface>,中文译名,<计算机组成与设计:硬件/软件接口>,是计算机组成原理的经典入门教材之一.节奏紧凑又不紧张,内容充实又不冗长,语言表述朴实易懂又不故作高深,是一本非常适合初次接触计算机组成原理的学生阅读的入门教材. 读书笔记系列博客是主要是记录我学习和阅读中的心得和体会.既然是读书笔记,肯定不会面面俱到,那就成了抄书笔记了.所有笔记系列博客力…
一.Camera与Matrix简单介绍 1.Camera Android中一共有两个Camera,分别为 android.hardware.Camera今天我们要说的是第一个Camera,第二个主要应用在相机开发中. 官方介绍: A camera instance can be used to compute 3D transformations and generate a matrix that can be applied, for inst…
This is a list of all Intel Ivy Bridge Microarchitecture performance counter event types. Please see Intel Architecture Developer's Manual Volume 3B, Appendix A and Intel Architecture Optimization Reference Manual (730795-001). Name Description Count…
This is a list of all Intel Sandy Bridge Microarchitecture performance counter event types. Please see Intel Architecture Developer's Manual Volume 3B, Appendix A and Intel Architecture Optimization Reference Manual (730795-001) Name Description Coun…