准备工作 >>> class NewStyle(object): more_code_here >>> class OldStyle: more_code_here 在这两个类中,NewStyle是新式的类,OldStyle是旧式的类,如果文件以__metaclass__ = type 开始,那么两个类都是新式类. 构造方法 构造方法,当一个对象被创建后,会立即调用构造方法.Python中创建一个构造方法,只要把init方法的名字从简单的init修改成__init__…
博客地址:http://www.moonxy.com 一.前言 在 Linux 系统中,应用程序的软件包主要分为两种:1)第一种是二进制的可执行软件包,也就是解开包后就可以直接运行.在 Windows 中几乎所有的软件包都是这种类型,类似于 exe ,安装完这个程序后就可以使用,但你看不到源代码,而且下载时要注意这个软件是否是你所使用的平台,否则将无法正常安装.2)第二种是源代码软件包,解开包后,你还需要使用编译器将其编译成为可执行文件.这在 Windows 系统中几乎是没有的,因为 Windo…
一. What if you wanted to restrict access to certain roles only on Tuesday? Using the access() method, you can also use SpEL as a means for declaring access requirements. For example, here’s how you could use a SpEL expression to require ROLE_SPITTER…
一. 对特定的请求拦截 For example, consider the requests served by the Spittr application. Certainly, thehome page is public and doesn’t need to be secured. Likewise, since all Spittleobjects are essentially public, the pages that display Spittle s don’t requi…
一. 1.定义接口 Suppose that you need to authenticate against users in a non-relational database suchas Mongo or Neo4j. In that case, you’ll need to implement a custom implementationof the UserDetailsService interface. public interface UserDetailsService {…
一.LDAP server在哪 By default, Spring Security’s LDAP authentication assumes that the LDAP server is listening on port 33389 on localhost. But if your LDAP server is on another machine,you can use the contextSource() method to configure the location: @O…
一. The default strategy for authenticating against LDAP is to perform a bind operation,authenticating the user directly to the LDAP server. Another option is to perform a comparison operation. This involves sending the entered password to the LDAP di…
一. 1.Focusing on the authentication query, you can see that user passwords are expected to be stored in the database. The only problem with that is that if the passwords are stored in plain text, they’re subject to the prying eyes of a hacker. But if…
一. 1.It’s quite common for user data to be stored in a relational database, accessed via JDBC . To configure Spring Security to authenticate against a JDBC -backed user store,you can use the jdbcAuthentication() method. The minimal configuration requ…
Spring Security is extremely flexible and is capable of authenticating users against virtually any data store. Several common user store situations—such as in-memory, relational database, and LDAP —are provided out of the box. But you can also create…
一.SpringSecurity的模块 At the least, you’ll want to include the Core and Configuration modules in your application’s classpath. Spring Security is often used to secure web applications, and that’s certainly the case with the Spittr application, so you’l…