This lecture provides the WLAN hardware engineer the essential knowledge of IEEE 802.11 a/b/g physical specification and the basic skill of how to do the EDVT of WLAN. Transmit Power Level: 1 Operating Frequency IEEE 802.11a U-II Band…
Transmit Spectrum Mask Specification – 802.11b SpecificationFor 802.11b transmitted spectral products shall be less than –30dBc for fc-22MHz < f < fc-11MHz, fc+11MHz < f < fc+22MHz, -50dBc for f < fc-22MHz, and f > fc+22MHz,…
Receive Minimum Input Level (Sensitivity) 测试方法: Receiver Adjacent Channel Rejection (ACR) -For IEEE802.11b (11Mbps), For 802.11b (2Mbps)For 2Mbps, 8% PER Maximum of DUT, where –74dBm Input Power from Golden Unit at ideal frequency a…
Transmit Rated Emission (FCC) AC power conducted emission.-FCC 15.207 Minimum 6 dB bandwidth. -500kHz Minimum -(FCC 15.247(a).2) Power spectral density. 8dBm/3kHz Maximum (FCC 15.247(d))RF power output. 30dBm Maximum at Antenna Output with 6dBi anten…
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac FHSS: Frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) is a method of transmitting radio signals by rapidly switching a carrier among many frequency channels, using a pseudorandom sequence known to both transmitter and receiver. DSSS: Direc…
802.11 wireless 1(主要还是学习ccna wireless的体系)ISM频带(ISM band starts early 1990s)900MHZ   2.4GHZ   5GHZ 四种无线的网络wireless personal area network(无线个人网络 - WPAN):工作在2.4Ghz频段上,距离为5-10m,采用技术代表蓝牙wireless LAN(无线局域网 - WLAN):工作在2.4G/5Ghz频段上,距离为100m内,采用技术包含802.11 a/b/…
802.11 wireless 2wireless spectrum(无线频谱)1.无线网络使用RF(射频)信号2.无线电也是电磁波3.频谱基于波长被划分,归为多个类型4.无线网络被归为微波段(microwave) frequency(频率)1.频率决定了信号被发现的频繁程度2.一秒一个周期就是一赫兹3.低频比高频传输距离远4.因为光速是一定的,所以频率越小,波长越大 wavelength(波长):天线要考虑匹配问题,硬件设计的问题,这个实际上不是那么好处理波长等于速度除以频率,2.4G的波长:… 一.ISO/OSI参考模型 OSI(open system interconnection)开放系统互联模型是由ISO(International Organization for Standardization) 国际标准化组织定义的网络分层模型,共七层,如下图. 物理层(Physical Layer):物理层定义了所有电子及物理设备的规范,为上层的传输提供了一个物理介质,本层中数据传…
要用wireshark抓802.11的包 需要在linux下进行. 要在linux下抓802.11的包 需要在linux下安装无线网卡驱动. 所以 在正式抓取之前先把这两样东西搞起来. *没有特殊说明,均使用root权限 sudo su* 一 安装无线网卡驱动 无线网卡:DWA-160 USB无线网卡 网卡驱动:…
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