原文网址:http://1982106a.blog.163.com/blog/static/8436495620149239361692/ 预览layout.xml文件时提示: This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update ADT plug-in 导致无法正常预览布局文件: 问题根源:SDK版本过高,ADT版本低: 解决办法有好几种,如下:…
今天往idea里导入其它项目时又遇到了一个问题.单独标记一下. 导入后打开一个布局xml文件,发现不能渲染,报错为: This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of IntelliJ IDEA. Please update IntelliJ IDEA 看字面意思就是idea的渲染库版本号不正确,让你升级idea.由于之前升级过android sdk.就想到了曾经eclipse的老问题:adt的升级…
预览layout.xml文件时提示: This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update ADT plug-in 导致无法正常预览布局文件: 问题根源:SDK版本过高,ADT版本低.修改方式: 1. Change android version while rendering layout. 2. Change the Target version…
http://blog.csdn.net/zhao_3546/article/details/12968295 最近使用 Help --> Check for Updates 升级了Eclipse部分插件,之后新建4.3的工程,res/layout 下的xml布局文件无法预览了, 一预览总是报这个错: This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please upda…
地址:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18852983/eclipse-reports-rendering-library-more-recent-than-adt-plug-in 预览layout.xml文件时提示: This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update ADT plug-in 导致无法正常预览…
点击 Help > Install New Software. 在 Work with 的输入区域里, 输入: https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/或者将https改成http. 选择 Developer Tools / Android Development Tools.此时把同一页面下的Contact all update sites....前面的复选框去掉,为了加快安装速度. 点击 Next 并完成安装…
近期更新了自己Android Studio中的SDK到最新版本号,AS的一部分配置改动了. 然后 在打开布局文件的时候 会出现 渲染错误 Rendering problem the rendering library is more recent than your version of android studio 提示:如上所看到的. 这个是因为更新了SDK之后渲染版本号自己主动改变了.当前project的配置的版本号与渲染设置的版本号不同. 解决的方法例如以下. 打开随意布局文件,切换到D…
使用 SDK Manager 工具更新下载新版本后,无法显示可视化布局,同时提示 This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update ADT plug-in. 解决如下: 点击 Help > Install New Software. 在 Work with 的输入区域里, 输入: https://dl-ssl.google.com/android…
问题描述 * What went wrong:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugManifest'.> Manifest merger failed : uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 8 cannot be smaller than version 9 declared in library D:\AndroidStudioProjects\StudioDemo\app\build\intermediates\exploded…
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugManifest'. > Manifest merger failed : uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 9 cannot be smaller than version 10 declared in library [org.piwik.sdk:piwik-sdk:0.0.3] /Users/weichunsheng/Documents/android_app/app/build…