Angular 2 lazy loading is a core feature of Angular 2. Lazy loading allows your application to start up faster because it only needs to use the main App Module when the page initially loads. As you navigate between routes, it will load the additional…
With the ocLazyLoad you can load AngularJS modules on demand. This is very handy for runtime loading of Angular modules in large applications. Simple example: angular.module("demo", ["oc.lazyLoad"]) .controller("AppCtrl", fun…
Found the way to handle Auxiliary router for lazy loading moudle and erge load module are different. In Erge loading, it is recommended to create a shell component, inside shell component you need to define the router-outlet for each Auxiliary routes…
In this tutorial we are going to learn how we can accidentally creating memory leaks in our application while using the Angular 2 router. We are going to learn how we can prove that the memory leak is happening, we are going to learn what is causing…
Ever had the need for multiple "app themes", or even to completely dynamically load CSS based on which customer logs into your application? You could of course bundle all of the various themes into a single CSS entry file, but your application s…
Sometimes we need to create modules at runtime, for example depending on a condition. We could even want to lazy load that module by using Webpack’s code splitting feature. For example, in current appliation, we are loading login and todos modules at…
By default, vue-router doesn’t lazy load the routes unless you tell it to do it. Lazy loading of the non-critical routes is one of the points of the PRPL pattern. This lesson will show you how you can use the dynamic import to lazy load non-critical…
Lazy Load 是一个用 JavaScript 编写的 jQuery 插件. 它可以延迟加载长页面中的图片. 在浏览器可视区域外的图片不会被载入, 直到用户将页面滚动到它们所在的位置. 这与图片预加载的处理方式正好是相反的. 在包含很多大图片长页面中延迟加载图片可以加快页面加载速度. 浏览器将会在加载可见图片之后即进入就绪状态. 在某些情况下还可以帮助降低服务器负担. 使用方法: Lazy Load 依赖于 jQuery.所有在head区域需要加入jquery和jQuery.lazyload…
最 新版本的Lazy Load并不能替代你的网页.即便你使用JavaScript移除了图片的src属性,有些现代的浏览器仍然会加载图片.现在你必须修改你的html代 码,使用占位图片作为img标签的src属性.真实的图片地址应该存储在data-original属性中. <img data-original="img/example.jpg" src="img/grey.gif"> 好处是现在你可以把你所有的JavaScript脚本放在页面的底部.如果你想…
报错如下: errors reported here must be corrected before service can be started.httpd:Syntax error on line 60 of D:/apache2/conf/httpd.conf:Cannot load D:/apache2/modules/ into server:\xd5\xd2\xb2\xbb\xb5\xbd\xd6\xb8\xb6\xa8\xb5\xc4\xa3\xbf\…