P of EAA: Active Record https://www.martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/activeRecord.html Active Record An object that wraps a row in a database table or view, encapsulates the database access, and adds domain logic on that data. For a full description see P…
想方便的操作AD吗,不想记住那么多AD Attribute名称和常量?请使用Landpy.ActiveDirecoty库,按照Active Record Pattern设计的AD Lib已经在CodePlex上开源发布. 目前已知BoostSolutions AD产品线.Sony公司内部系统.Tempursealy公司.Lenovo公司使用. http://landpyactivedirectory.codeplex.com/ Project Description Active Directo…
Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern In the Java community there's been a rush of lightweight containers that help to assemble components from different projects into a cohesive application. Underlying these containers…
https://martinfowler.com/articles/microservices.html https://martinfowler.com/microservices/ 微服务,最早由Martin Fowler在他的官博中提出,原文和翻译如下: Microservicesa definition of this new architectural term The term "Microservice Architecture" has sprung up over t…
Github地址:https://github.com/pardom/ActiveAndroid 前言 我一般在Android开发中,几乎用不到SQLlite,因为一些小数据就直接使用Preferences保存了,最近涉及到了消息推送历史,或者涉及到信息历史方面的东西,所以就需要用到了android的SQLlite,为了不重复造轮子,果断上github寻找轮子. GreenDAO虽然效率最高,但由于每次都要手动生成代码,比较麻烦,所以弃用. Couchbase也有Android版本,同时支持配合…
java设计模式大全 Design pattern samples in Java(最经典最全的资料) 2015年06月19日 13:10:58 阅读数:11100 Design pattern samples in Java. Build status: Introduction Design patterns are formalized best practices that the programmer can use to solve common problems when desi…
Interpeter , Iterator , Mediator , Memento and Observer design patterns. (I) what is Interpreter pattern? (B) Can you explain iterator pattern? (A) Can you explain mediator pattern? (I) Can you explain memento pattern? (B) Can you explain observer pa…
Martin Fowler在Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code(中译名:<重构——改善既有代码的设计>)一书中与Kent Beck一起总结了22种代码坏味(Bad Smells in Code),因为Sunny这段时间正在做一些与代码味道自动识别与自动重构有关的研究工作,对这些内容进行了重新的深入理解与分析.后续将在博客中转载和原创一些相关的文章,希望对广大从事软件开发的朋友们能够带来些许帮助.你在编程过程中面临哪些代码味道?哪…
Instead of defining what is design pattern lets define what we mean by design and what we mean by pattern. According to me design is blue print or sketch of something so it can be defined as creation of something in mind. Moving to pattern, we can de…
IoC容器和Dependency Injection模式 Martin Fowler 编者语:最近研究IoC,在网上搜索到很多网页推荐阅读Martin Fowler的一片名叫Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern的文章.点击到该文章页面便吓了一跳:这什么文章啊,简单一个网页PageRank居然是7!要知道,国内几大门户网站也都还没有到这个值呢!也难怪,Martin Fowler被誉为软件开发教父,他…