
Travel The country frog lives in has n towns which are conveniently numbered by 1,2,…,n . Among n(n−1)2 pairs of towns, m of them are connected by bidirectional highway, which needs a minutes to travel. The other pairs are connected by railway, which…
Travel The country frog lives in has nn towns which are conveniently numbered by 1,2,…,n1,2,…,n. Among n(n−1)2n(n−1)2 pairs of towns, mm of them are connected by bidirectional highway, which needs aa minutes to travel. The other pairs are connected b…
题目描述 Gremlins have infested the farm. These nasty, ugly fairy-like creatures thwart the cows as each one walks from the barn (conveniently located at pasture_1) to the other fields, with cow_i traveling to from pasture_1 to pasture_i. Each gremlin is…
[BZOJ1576][Usaco2009 Jan]安全路经Travel Description Input * 第一行: 两个空格分开的数, N和M * 第2..M+1行: 三个空格分开的数a_i, b_i,和t_i Output * 第1..N-1行: 第i行包含一个数:从牛棚_1到牛棚_i+1并且避免从牛棚1到牛棚i+1最短路经上最后一条牛路的最少的时间.如果这样的路经不存在,输出-1. Sample Input 4 5 1 2 2 1 3 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 2 4 3 输入解释:…
题意 给你一张无向图,保证从1号点到每个点的最短路唯一.对于每个点求出删掉号点到它的最短路上的最后一条边(就是这条路径上与他自己相连的那条边)后1号点到它的最短路的长度 Sol emmm,考场上想了个贪心开心的飞起然而只多得了10分qwq 正解比较神仙. 首先把最短路树建出来,考虑一条非树边$(u, v)$什么时候能更新答案 结论是:除了他们的LCA外的子树内其他都可以更新,且新的权值为$dis[u] + dis[v] + w(u, v) - dis[x]$,$x$表示新节点 这样我们把所有的边…
很好的一道题呀 思路 状态\(d(i,j)\)表示已经经过了行程单中的\(i\)个城市,目前在城市\(j\)的最小代价,直接建边跑最短路就行了 比如机票为\(ACBD\),行程单为\(CD\),那么对于\((0,A)\),连向\((1,C)\),\((1,B)\),\((2,D)\) 有两个需要注意的地方 1.起点为\((1,行程单的起点)\) 2.城市编号很大,要离散化 以下是代码,离散化用\(map\)完成 #include <algorithm> #include <iostrea…
UVA10816 Travel in Desert 题目大意 沙漠中有一些道路,每个道路有一个温度和距离,要求s,t两点间的一条路径,满足温度最大值最小,并且长度最短 输入格式 输入包含多组数据. 每组数据第一行为两个整数\(n\) 和\(e\) .表示绿洲数量和连接绿洲的道路数量. 每组数据第二行为两个整数\(s\) 和\(t\) .表示起点和终点的绿洲编号. 接下来\(e\) 行,每行包含两个整数\(x,y\) 以及两个实数\(d,r\) ,表明在绿洲\(x\) 和\(y\) 之间有一条双向…
Travel The country frog lives in has \(n\) towns which are conveniently numbered by \(1, 2, \dots, n\). Among \(\frac{n(n - 1)}{2}\) pairs of towns, \(m\) of them are connected by bidirectional highway, which needs \(a\) minutes to travel. The other…
PAT 1030 最短路最小边权 堆优化dijkstra+DFS 1030 Travel Plan (30 分) A traveler's map gives the distances between cities along the highways, together with the cost of each highway. Now you are supposed to write a program to help a traveler to decide the shortest…
Travel Time Limit: 10000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 3059    Accepted Submission(s): 1051 Problem Description One day, Tom traveled to a country named BGM. BGM is a small country, but there a…
[题意] 有n个绿洲, m条道路,每条路上有一个温度,和一个路程长度,从绿洲s到绿洲t,求一条道路的最高温度尽量小, 如果有多条, 选一条总路程最短的. InputInput consists of several test cases. Your program must process all of them.The first line contains two integers N and E (1 ≤ N ≤ 100; 1 ≤ E ≤ 10000) where N represents…
原文链接 题目传送门 - 51Nod1863 题意 有 n 个城市,有 m 条双向路径连通它们. 每一个城市有一个属性,可能有多个城市有相同的属性. 给定属性的优先级,求一条从 1 到 n 的路径,满足优先级最大的属性在这条路径中出现次数尽量小,在此基础上,优先级次大的出现次数尽量小,以此类推. 问这条路径经过了哪些属性的节点,按照优先级从高到低输出. $n\leq 10^5,m\leq 5…
传送门 题意简述:给出一张nnn个点的完全图,有mmm条边边权为aaa其余点边权为bbb,问从111到nnn的最短路. 思路:分类讨论一波即可. (1,n)(1,n)(1,n)的边权为aaa,那么只用求从111到nnn不经过给出边的最短路,这个用set+bfsset+bfsset+bfs解决. (1,n)(1,n)(1,n)的边权为bbb,那么只用求从111到nnn经过给出边的最短路,上spfaspfaspfa或者dijkstradijkstradijkstra 代码: #include<bit…
模板题最短路+输出路径如果最短路不唯一,输出cost最小的 #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include <string.h> #include <cmath> #include <queue> #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f using namespace std; ; int n,m,s,t; struct Edge{ int…
题目大意:给一张无向图,图中的每条边都有两个权值,长度d和热度r.找出从起点到终点的一条最大热度最小的路径,如果这样的路径有多条,选择一个最短的. 题目分析:如果只考虑最小的最大热度,那么本题就是一个最小瓶颈路问题,只需按照热度找一棵最小生成树即可.但是,如果这样的路径有多个,实际上是最小生成树有多个时,要找到最短路径,还得把热度不大于最小生成树中最大热度的边并且没在生成树中的边加到最小生成树中,然后再找最短路. 代码如下: # include<iostream> # include<c…
题意: 给出一个图的所有边,每次从图中删除一条边,求任意点对的路径总和(求完了就将边给补回去).(有重边) 思路: #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; , INF=0x7f7f7f7f; int mapp[N][N]; bool vis[N]; //是否存在队列中 int dest[N]; vector<pair<int,int> > vect; int n, m; int num[N]; void spfa(in…
Description Input * 第一行: 两个空格分开的数, N和M * 第2..M+1行: 三个空格分开的数a_i, b_i,和t_i Output * 第1..N-1行: 第i行包含一个数:从牛棚_1到牛棚_i+1并且避免从牛棚1到牛棚i+1最短路经上最后一条牛路的最少的时间.如果这样的路经不存在,输出-1. Sample Input 4 5 1 2 2 1 3 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 2 4 3 输入解释: 跟题中例子相同 Sample Output 3 3 6 3694只是给…
Travel The country frog lives in has nn towns which are conveniently numbered by 1,2,…,n. Among n(n−1) / 2 pairs of towns, m of them are connected by bidirectional highway, which needs aa minutes to travel. The other pairs are connected by railway, w…
Travel Time Limit: 10000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 2789    Accepted Submission(s): 939 Problem Description       One day, Tom traveled to a country named BGM. BGM is a small country, but th…
题目描述 Farmer John has recently purchased a new car online, but in his haste he accidentally clicked the "Submit" button twice when selecting extra features for the car, and as a result the car ended up equipped with two GPS navigation systems! Ev…
Full Tank? Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 7248   Accepted: 2338 Description After going through the receipts from your car trip through Europe this summer, you realised that the gas prices varied between the cities you v…
Description Berland has n cities, the capital is located in city s, and the historic home town of the President is in city t (s ≠ t). The cities are connected by one-way roads, the travel time for each of the road is a positive integer. Once a year t…
1576: [Usaco2009 Jan]安全路经Travel Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 1044  Solved: 363[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description Input * 第一行: 两个空格分开的数, N和M * 第2..M+1行: 三个空格分开的数a_i, b_i,和t_i Output * 第1..N-1行: 第i行包含一个数:从牛棚_1到牛棚_i+1并且避免从牛棚1到牛棚i+1最…
4289: PA2012 Tax Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 168  Solved: 69[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description 给出一个N个点M条边的无向图,经过一个点的代价是进入和离开这个点的两条边的边权的较大值,求从起点1到点N的最小代价.起点的代价是离开起点的边的边权,终点的代价是进入终点的边的边权 N<=100000 M<=200000 Input Output Sample I…
C - Fire Station Description A city is served by a number of fire stations. Some residents have complained that the distance from their houses to the nearest station is too far, so a new station is to be built. You are to choose the location of the f…
题目链接: Meeting Time Limit: 12000/6000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 262144/262144 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 2024    Accepted Submission(s): 628 Problem Description Bessie and her friend Elsie decide to have a meeting. However, after Farm…
Meeting Time Limit: 12000/6000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 262144/262144 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 1358    Accepted Submission(s): 435 Problem Description Bessie and her friend Elsie decide to have a meeting. However, after Farmer Jo…
这道题目甚长, 代码也是甚长, 但是思路却不是太难.然而有好多代码实现的细节, 确是十分的巧妙. 对代码阅读能力, 代码理解能力, 代码实现能力, 代码实现技巧, DFS方法都大有裨益, 敬请有兴趣者耐心细读.(也许由于博主太弱, 才有此等感觉). 题目: UVa 1103 In order to understand early civilizations, archaeologists often study texts written in  ancient languages. One…
Delay Constrained Maximum Capacity Path Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description Consider an undirected graph with N vertices, numbered from 1 to N, and M edges. The vertex numbered with…
转自: 最短路 [HDU] 1548 A strange lift基础最短路(或bfs)★2544 最短路 基础最短路★3790 最短路径问题基础最短路★2066 一个人的旅行基础最短路(多源多汇,可以建立超级源点和终点)★2112 HDU Today基础最短路★1874 畅通工程续基础最短路★1217 Arbitrage 货币交换 Floyd (或者 Bellman-Ford 判环)★124…