MMS关键指标意义&各数值区间意义 What's MMS MongoDB Management Service (MMS) is a suite of services for managing MongoDB deployments. 统计图表的数据来源 all statistics can show in mongo shell by: >db.serverStatus() opcounters 意义:The average number of commands performed pe…
## part 1 mms图 What's MMS MongoDB Management Service (MMS) is a suite of services for managing MongoDB deployments. 统计图表的数据来源 all statistics can show in mongo shell by: >db.serverStatus() opcounters 意义:The average number of commands performed per sec…
mongostat是mongdb自带的状态检测工具,在命令行下使用.它会间隔固定时间获取mongodb的当前运行状态,并输出.如果你发现数据库突然变慢或者有其他问题的话,你第一手的操作就考虑采用mongostat来查看mongo的状态. mongostat命令格式,当然也可以加参数: 在对应的 mongodb2.6.1的版本下, ./mongo --help如下: Options: --help produce help message -v [ --verbose ] be more ver…