Not so long ago, we discussed on this blog the possible ways of retrieving the client’s IP address in ASP.NET Web API. With the latest changes in the Web API 2 infrastructure, and the emergence of Owin and the Katana project as the common glue betwee…
一. CBV加装饰器 在视图层中,基于函数的视图叫FBV(function base views),基于类的视图叫CBV(class base views).当需要用到装饰器时,例如之前的基于Cookie与基于Session的登录验证,给FBV加装饰器很简单,一个@语法糖就OK了,那么给CBV加装饰器呢,难道直接跟单例实现的方法之一一样,类上面一个@语法糖就行了吗.其实给CBV加装饰器有三种方法. 需要先导入模块: from django.utils.decorators import meth…
面对众多动态网站比如说淘宝等,一般情况下用selenium最好 那么如何集成selenium到scrapy中呢? 因为每一次request的请求都要经过中间件,所以写在中间件中最为合适 from selenium import webdriver from scrapy.http import HtmlResponse class JSPageMiddleware(object): def process_request(self, request, spider): if spider.nam…
1.在settings文件中添加ip池 IPPOOL=['xxx.xx.xx.xx',''] 2.在middleware文件中添加自己的代理ip类(首先需要导入ipPOOL,random模块) class Myproxymiddleware(object): def __init__(self,ip=''): self.ip = ip def process_request(self,request,spider) ip = random.choice(IPPOOL)…