xxxx interview】的更多相关文章

1. 什么数据库,做了什么优化? 回答mysql innodb与myisam区别,根据业务选择引擎.事务,行级锁,全文检索,二级索引. 存储:myisam数据和索引分开存储.innodb数据和索引存储在一起,但主键以外的索引是和数据分开存储的. 2. redis数据结构,如何存储? 3. T级别数据表如何做删除操作? 4. 类卸载条件? 类加载机制,生命周期. 堆中类的实例都被回收.加载类的classl…
1. 要使线程从running到waiting状态,我们需要做些什么? 线程的状态及转换. 关联技术: 2. spring的AOP用过吗? 需要能回答AOP的工作原理. 3. 数据库“乐观锁”和“悲观锁”熟悉吗? 锁的原理,以及应用场景. 关联技术: 4. JVM有哪些垃圾收集方式?你们是怎么调优的? JVM内存模型,垃圾收集,调…
March 16, 2016 Problem statement:Given a 2D array (matrix) named M, print all items of M in a spiral order, clockwise.For example: M  =  1   2   3   4   5       6   7   8   9  10      11  12  13  14  15      16  17  18  19  20 The clockwise spiral pr… WCF Interview Questions – Part 2 This WCF tutorial is part-2 in series of WCF Interview Questions. Other parts in this series can be found here. 这是WCF问答系列教程中的第二部分,其他部分可以在下面的链接中找到: WCF Service… WCF Interview Questions – Part 1 This WCF Tutorial is a collection of most frequently asked interview questions about Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) covering the beginner to professio…
Amazon Interview | Set 27 Hi, I was recently interviewed for SDE1 position for Amazon and got selected. I have 1.5 year experience in java. Geeksforgeeks helped me lot. I am very thankful to Geeksforgeeks team. Following were interview questions- Two…   Swing interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced candidates. These interview questions and answers on Swing will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for t…
Pramp - mock interview experience   February 23, 2016 Read the article today from hackerRank blog on facebook:… Polycarp has interviewed Oleg and has written the interview down without punctuation marks and spaces to save time. Thus, the interview is now a string s consisting of n lowercase English letters. There is…
原文 Node.js Interview Questions for 2017 什么是error-first callback? 如何避免无止境的callback? 什么是Promises? 用什么工具来保证代码的一致性风格? 为什么保持一致性风格很重要? When should you npm and when yarn? 什么是stub? 举个例子! 什么是test pyramid? 举个例子! 你喜欢哪个HTTP框架,为什么? 如何保护你的HTTP cookies 不遭受XSS攻击? 如何…