UVA 10620 - A Flea on a Chessboard 题目链接 题意:给定一个跳蚤位置和移动方向.如今在一个国际象棋棋盘上,左下角为黑格,一个格子为s*s,推断是否能移动到白格子.问要移动多少次才干到白格,边界不算白格. 思路:利用鸽笼原理落在黑格子和边界上的一共同拥有(s + 1)^2个点,也就是说.假设形成循环,周期肯定在这之内.所以能够不断去模拟跳格子,直到踩到白格,或者踩到之前落到过的黑格就结束 只是事实上还有更优的方法,由于跳蚤跳跃路径为直线,观察下能够发现假设能够到白…
Problem G. Generators Input file: generators.in Output file: generators.outLittle Roman is studying linear congruential generators — one of the oldest and best known pseudorandom number generator algorithms. Linear congruential generator (LCG) starts w…
描述 http://poj.org/problem?id=1065 木棍有重量 w 和长度 l 两种属性,要使 l 和 w 同时单调不降,否则切割机器就要停一次,问最少停多少次(开始时停一次). Wooden Sticks Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 21277 Accepted: 9030 Description There is a pile of n wooden sticks. The le…
To become the king of Codeforces, Kuroni has to solve the following problem. He is given n numbers a1,a2,-,an. Help Kuroni to calculate ∏1≤i<j≤n|ai−aj|. As result can be very big, output it modulo m. If you are not familiar with short notation, ∏1≤i<…