一篇非常好的文章,解释了python基本语法的方方面面: # Single line comments start with a hash. """ Multiline strings can be written using three "'s, and are often used as comments """ #################################################### ## 1. P…
Learn X in Y minutes Where X=clojure Get the code: learnclojure.clj Clojure is a Lisp family language developed for the Java Virtual Machine. It hasa much stronger emphasis on purefunctional programming thanCommon Lisp, but includes severalSTM utilit…
http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/c++/ C++ is a systems programming language that, according to its inventor Bjarne Stroustrup, was designed to be a “better C” support data abstraction support object-oriented programming support generic programming Th…
原文地址:http://tylerneylon.com/a/learn-lua/ Learn Lua in 15 Minutes more or less For a more in-depth Lua tutorial, watch this video or check out a transcript of the video. -- Two dashes start a one-line comment. --[[ Adding two ['s and ]'s makes it a mu…
十分钟入门less(翻译自:Learn lESS in 10 Minutes(or less)) 注:本文为翻译文章,因翻译水平有限,难免有缺漏不足之处,可查看原文. 我们知道写css代码是非常枯燥的,尤其是写重复颜色.样式的代码,这需要我们付出很多努力来保持css代码可维护,但是它本不应该是这样的. 很幸运地是,web开发社区已经解决了这个问题,我们在现在已经有了类似与less.sass和stylus这样的预处理器.它们有很多优于一般的css之处,如下所示: 变量---以至于我们可以在样式表中…