set就是数学上的集合——每个元素最多只出现一次,和sort一样,自定义类型也可以构造set,但同样必须定义“小于”运算符 以下代码测试set中无重复元素 #include<iostream> #include<iterator> #include<set> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; ]={,,}; int main() { set<LL>s; s.insert(); s.insert(); s.i…
Description Andy, , has a dream - he wants to produce his very own dictionary. This is not an easy task for him, as the number of words that he knows is, well, not quite enough. Instead of thinking up all the words himself, he has a briliant idea. Fr…
1.set 集合 哦....对了,set有自动按照字典序排序功能..... 声明和插入操作 #include <cstdio> #include <vector> #include <set> using namespace std; int main(){ vector<int> v; ; i < ; i++) { v.push_back(i); v.push_back(i); } set<int> s; s.insert(v.begin…
Description Andy, , has a dream - he wants to produce his very own dictionary. This is not an easy task for him, as the number of words that he knows is, well, not quite enough. Instead of thinking up all the words himself, he has a briliant idea. Fr…
输入一个文本,找出所有不同的单词(连续的字母序列),按字典序从小到大输出.单 词不区分大小写. 样例输入: Adventures in Disneyland Two blondes were going to Disneyland when they came to a fork in the road. The sign read: "Disneyland Left." So they went home. 样例输出(为了节约篇幅只保留前5行): a adventures blond… 题意:很简单,把输入的文本,排序按字典序输出,相当于制作字典. 主要是set和stringstream的运用. 对于stringstream有个简单的程序. #include<iostream> #include<sstream> using namespac…
题目具体描述见: C++11代码如下: #include<iostream> #include<set> #include<string> #include<sstream> using namespace std; set<str…
题目描述: #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<set> #include<sstream> using namespace std; set<string> dic; string s, buf; int main() { while(cin >> s) { ; i < s.length(); i++) if(isalpha(s[i])) s[i] = tolower(s[…
Andy 是个 8 岁的孩子,他梦想要制作一本他自己的字典. 这并不是一件容易的事,因为他认识的字还不是那么多. 他并不想要自己去想这本字典中该放哪些字,他有个聪明的主意. 就是拿出他最喜欢的一本故事书,从那里面挑出所有不同的字来,然后按照字典数序列出. 当然,对他来说这是一件相当花时间的工作,所以你被要求写一个程序来帮助他. 在这个问题中,一个字被定义为一连续字母所组成的字符串. 并且,你的程序应该是不管字母大小写的. 例如: "Apple", "apple",…
#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;set<string> dict;int main(){ string s, buf; while(cin >> s) { for(int i = 0;i < s.length();i++) { if(isalpha(s[i])) s[i] = tolower(s[i]); else s[i] = ' '; } stringstream ss(s); while(ss >&…