
What Are You Talking About 点我 Problem Description Ignatius is so lucky that he met a Martian yesterday. But he didn't know the language the Martians use. The Martian gives him a history book of Mars and a dictionary when it leaves. Now Ignatius want…
A Plug for UNIX Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 15597   Accepted: 5308 Description You are in charge of setting up the press room for the inaugural meeting of the United Nations Internet eXecutive (UNIX), which has an int…
Map篇 # 题名 刷题 通过率 难度 846 一手顺子   33.7% 中等 855 考场就座   20.8% 中等…
虽然题目停水的,但是好像字符处理运用的还比较合适 Problem Description 当今世界,网络已经无处不在了,小度熊由于犯了错误,当上了度度公司的网络管理员,他手上有大量的 IP列表,小度熊想知道在某个固定的子网掩码下,有多少个网络地址.网络地址等于子网掩码与 IP 地址按位进行与运算后的结果,例如: 子网掩码:A.B.C.D IP 地址:a.b.c.d 网络地址:(A&a).(B&b).(C&c).(D&d) Input 第一行包含一个整数T,(1≤T≤50)代…
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<map> #include<string> #include<cstring> using namespace std; +; char book[SIZE]; map<string, string> dic; void fun_in() { ]={'\0'}; scanf("%s",start); getchar(); st…
题目链接: C. Tanya and Toys time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output In Berland recently a new collection of toys went on sale. This collection consists of 109 types of toys, numbered wi…
题目: Go Northwest! is a game usually played in the park main hall when occasional rainy weather discourages the visitors from enjoying outdoor attractions. The game is played by a pair of players and it is based entirely on luck, the players can hardl…
Equal Sums time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output You are given kk sequences of integers. The length of the ii-th sequence equals to nini. You have to choose exactly two sequences…
一.一道题目引发我对map函数的考量 首先是题目大意:有n个银行,a[i]表示这个人在第i个银行有a[i]块钱(可以是负数),所有银行的钱加起来正好是0.每次只能在相邻的银行之间转账,问最少要转多少次就能使所有的a[i]的值为0.其中1和n相邻. 数据范围: n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100 000)ai ( - 1e9 ≤ ai ≤ 1e9) 解题思路: 我自己原先的思路是随机选定一个点,比如我选择数组的第一个点(当这个点不为0,为0就选下一个),向左走或者向右走,直到走到倒数第一个不为0的值,然…
时间限制:1 秒 内存限制:32 兆 特殊判题:否 提交:2279 解决:1233 题目描述: 按照手机键盘输入字母的方式,计算所花费的时间 如:a,b,c都在"1"键上,输入a只需要按一次,输入c需要连续按三次. 如果连续两个字符不在同一个按键上,则可直接按,如:ad需要按两下,kz需要按6下 如果连续两字符在同一个按键上,则两个按键之间需要等一段时间,如ac,在按了a之后,需要等一会儿才能按c. 现在假设每按一次需要花费一个时间段,等待时间需要花费两个时间段. 现在给出一串字符,需…