
Text We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living room. It has belonged to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. R…
今天知道公司中的JAZZ是变形金刚中的“爵士”,如果写内部代码,就好像在操作“爵士”,还是蛮有意思的.先是接触了jQuery,然后是jQuery-ui,然后jazz,继续中...... JAZZ: 爵士(<变形金刚>角色)编辑 作为变形金刚动画里的人气角色,爵士喜欢地球文化.总是求知若渴,不知满足.他对地球的丰富知识使他成为擎天柱不可或缺的左膀右臂.当最危险的任务出现时,他总是奋不顾身,首当其冲.虽然喜欢扮酷追求流行时尚,但爵士出色的办事能力绝对毋庸置疑.配备有光子枪,火焰喷射器,全光谱探照灯…
Jazz Automation介绍 Jazz Automation是一个测试框架,构建它的目的是为所有类型的Web系统或者静态网站自动化同时加速验收/功能测试.它还能够容易地实现自动化集成测试.以前的时候这种类型的测试需要人工完成,劳动强度大又不准确.借助于自动化测试,公司能够创造高质量的应用程序,创造的产品bug更少,同时又加快了投入市场的速度.Jazz Automation支持以下Web浏览器:IE.Firefox.Safari和Chrome. Jazz Automation和其他的自动化测…
Improvise a Jazz Solo with an LSTM Network Welcome to your final programming assignment of this week! In this notebook, you will implement a model that uses an LSTM to generate music. You will even be able to listen to your own music at the end of th…
(因为写的真的是太好了,所以必须要转载) This is the first in a series of blog posts that details some of the inner workings of Kubernetes. If you are simply an operator or user of Kubernetes you don’t necessarily need to understand these details. But if you prefer dept…
Improvise a Jazz Solo with an LSTM Network Welcome to your final programming assignment of this week! In this notebook, you will implement a model that uses an LSTM to generate music. You will even be able to listen to your own music at the end of th…
目录 Improvise a Jazz Solo with an LSTM Network Packages 1 - Problem Statement 1.1 - Dataset What are musical "values"? (optional) Music as a sequence of values 1.2 - Model Overview Overview of Section 2 and 3 Sequence generation uses a for-loop S…
expressions: It is called a clavichord这被称为古钢琴 a friend of my father's我父亲的朋友   words: musical,adj,音乐的 instrument,n,乐器 clavichord,古钢琴 recently,最近 damage,伤害 shock,震惊   made in表示产地 made of 表示某种材料 made from 表示多种材料 made by 表示制造人   That's where we keep it.…
传送门(洛谷) 题目大意 给定$n$个位置,和一个长为$m$的序列$A$,你需要经过一条直接的边从第$A_i$个位置到第$A_{i+1}$个位置. 每条有向边$(u,v)$分为两种,第一种可以花费$C$的代价从$u$到达$v$. 第二种可以花费$C'$的代价从$u$到达$v$,并使得下一次从$v$到$u$的代价变为$0$. 保证操作一定能完成.$n,m\leq 3\times 10^5$. 题解 考虑每两个位置之间$(a,b)$或$(b,a)$的若干次移动式独立的,不同的位置对之间互不影响. 所…
书籍出处:https://www.packtpub.com/web-development/django-example 原作者:Antonio Melé (译者注:第三章滚烫出炉,大家请不要吐槽文中图片比较模糊,毕竟都是从PDF中截图出来的,有点丢像素,大致能看就行- -,另外还是渣翻,但个人觉的比前两章翻译的稍微进步了那么一点点- -,希望后面几章翻译的越来越溜,就这样) 第三章 扩展你的blog应用 在上一章中我们学习了表单的基础和在你的项目集成第三方的应用.这一章将会覆盖以下内容: 创建…