数据库UserInfo 删除重复数据 即删除重复的用户名手机号 同一个用户名手机号只保留一个用户 01.根据多个字段查询重复数据 with data1 as( select MobilePhone,Name from UserInfogroup by MobilePhone,Namehaving count(*)>1 ), 02.对重复数据分配编号 data2 as ( select u.*,row_number() over(partition by u.MobilePhone,u.Name…
delete from co_jobinformation cwhere c.name in (select cc.name from co_jobinformation cc group by cc.name having count(cc.name) > 1)and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from co_jobinformation e group by e.name having count(e.name )>1) 之前在oracle数…
--1.建立表:Coursecreate table Course( ID int identity(1,1),--ID Student varchar(20) ,--学生 Sub varchar(20) ,--课程) --2.插入数据INSERT INTO CourseVALUES ('张三','语文'),('李四','语文' ),('王五','语文' ) INSERT INTO CourseVALUES ('张三','语文'),('李四','英语' ),('王五','数学' ) INSERT…
删除重复行 DELETE FROM ecm_member_login_session WHERE (number , client_code) IN ( ) AND update_time NOT IN ( ); 但是报1093错误 :: ) ) Error Code: . You can't specify target table 'ecm_member_login_session' for update in FROM clause 0.046 sec 后来在 嵌套查询语句里面再嵌套一层即…
1.如表中没有主键,先添加自动增长主键 alter table 表名 add 列名 int identity (1,1) primary key 2.删除重复数据 delete from 表名 where id not in (select min(id) from 表名 group by id) ------id1为新增自增的列,id为原来没有自增的id列 delete from DeceasedInformation where id1 not in (select MIN(id) from…
MYSQL里有五百万数据,但大多是重复的,真实的就180万,于是想怎样把这些重复的数据搞出来,在网上找了一圈,好多是用NOT IN这样的代码,这样效率很低,自己琢磨组合了一下,找到一个高效的处理方式,用这个方式,五百万数据,十来分钟就全部去除重复了,请各位参考. 第一步:从500万数据表data_content_152里提取出不重复的字段SFZHM对应的ID字段到TMP3表 create table tmp3 as select min(id) as col1 from data_content…
Mysql利用联表查询和分组来删除重复数据 //删除表中重复的id,保留最大的id mysql> select * from user; +----+------+ | id | name | +----+------+ | | a | | | b | | | c | | | d | | | a | | | a | | | c | | | d | +----+------+ rows in set (0.08 sec) mysql> delete a ) b on a .name = b.na…