hihoCoder题目之Magic Box】的更多相关文章

#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; void sort(int * a, int len)//冒泡升序排序 { int i, j, t; ;i < len-;i++) ;j < len--i;j++) ]) { t = a[j]; a[j] = a[j+]; a[j+] = t; } } int main() { freopen("i…
题目1 : Magic Box 时间限制:10000ms 单点时限:1000ms 内存限制:256MB 描述 The circus clown Sunny has a magic box. When the circus is performing, Sunny puts some balls into the box one by one. The balls are in three colors: red(R), yellow(Y) and blue(B). Let Cr, Cy, Cb…
题目1 : Magic Box 时间限制:10000ms 单点时限:1000ms 内存限制:256MB 描述 The circus clown Sunny has a magic box. When the circus is performing, Sunny puts some balls into the box one by one. The balls are in three colors: red(R), yellow(Y) and blue(B). Let Cr, Cy, Cb…
#1135 : Magic Box 时间限制:10000ms 单点时限:1000ms 内存限制:256MB 描述 The circus clown Sunny has a magic box. When the circus is performing, Sunny puts some balls into the box one by one. The balls are in three colors: red(R), yellow(Y) and blue(B). Let Cr, Cy, C…
传送门 Harry And Magic Box Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 165    Accepted Submission(s): 64 Problem Description One day, Harry got a magical box. The box is made of n*m grids. Ther…
[题目链接]:http://hihocoder.com/problemset/problem/1499 [题意] [题解] 贪心,模拟; 从左往右对于每一列; 如果上下两个格子; ① 有一个格子超过了所需; 另外一个格子小于所需; 则把超过了的格子转移一些到小于的那个,让上下两个互补; 然后把剩下的往右传(肯定是要往右传的); ② 如果两个格子都超过了所需; 则把两个格子多余的硬币都往右传. ③ 如果两个格子都小于所需; 则两个格子都从右边借一些 [Number Of WA] 1(输入是一列一列…
题目链接:HDOJ - 5155 题目大意 有一个 n * m 的棋盘,已知每行每列都至少有一个棋子,求可能有多少种不同的棋子分布情况.答案对一个大素数取模. 题目分析 算法1: 使用容斥原理与递推. 首先,一个 n * m 的棋盘不考虑任何限制时,可能的分布情况为 2^(n*m) ,除去没有棋子的情况,为 2^(n*m) - 1 . 然后,因为所有的 n 行,m 列都有棋子,所以枚举 ii (1 <= ii <= i) , jj (1 <= jj <= j) .对于枚举的一组 (…
One day Vasya was going home when he saw a box lying on the road. The box can be represented as a rectangular parallelepiped. Vasya needed no time to realize that the box is special, as all its edges are parallel to the coordinate axes, one of its ve…
题目描述 在\(n*m\)的矩阵内每一行每一列都有钻石,问钻石分布的种类? 答案有可能很大,所以输出答案对\(1000000007\)取模. Input 对于每个测试用例,有两个整数\(n\)和\(m\)表示框的大小.\(0< N,M<50\) Output 输出每组数据的分发数. Sample Input 1 1 2 2 2 3 Sample Output 1 7 25 这是一道比较优秀的容斥题. 首先,我们很显然的看到\(n,m\)范围都不是很大,考虑\(dp\). 定义\(dp[i][j…
Online Judge:Hdu5155 Label:思维题+容斥,计数Dp 题面: 题目描述 给定一个大小为\(N*M\)的神奇盒子,里面每行每列都至少有一个钻石,问可行的排列方案数.由于答案较大,输出对\(1e9+7\)取模后的结果. 输入 多组数据.每组数据读入两个整数\(N,M\) \(0≤N,M≤50\) 输出 每组数据输出一行表示答案. 样例 Input 1 1 2 2 2 3 Output 1 7 25 Hint There are 7 possible arrangements…