by RAMESH NATARAJAN on FEBRUARY 29, 2012 Dig stands for domain information groper. Using dig command you can query DNS name servers for your DNS lookup related tasks. This article explains 10…
by HIMANSHU ARORA on OCTOBER 16, 2012 Linux split and join commands are very helpful when you are manipulating large files. This article explains how…
FROM: 18 Tar Command Examples in Linux By Ravi Saive Under: CentOS, Fedora, Linux Commands, Linux Distros, RedHat On: September 15, 2012 The Linux “tar” stands for tape archive, which is used b…
This Linux tutorial will explain the three "W" commands. The three "W"s are whatis, whereis and which commands. You already know how to use find command to efficiently fo find a file. Now, these three W commands will help you to locate…
FROM: ls command is one of the most frequently used command in Linux. I believe ls command is the first command you may use when you get into the command prompt of Linux Box. We use ls com…
You should get a grip on the Linux grep command. This is part of the on-going 15 Examples series, where 15 detailed examples will be provided for a specific command or functionality.  Earlier we discussed 15 practical examples for Linux find command,…
背景描述: 今天使用dig命令,报错命令不存在,-bash: dig: command not found 解决: 通过yum方式安装 yum -y install bind-utils 备注:之前尝试yum install dig发现没有,dig是在bind-utils包里面的. 安装之后,命令存在: [root@localhost sysconfig]# dig ; <<>> DiG -RedHat--.el7_6 <<>> ;; global opti…
Nmap is short for Network Mapper. It is an open source security tool for network exploration, security scanning and auditing. However, nmap command comes with lots of options that can make the utility more robust and difficult to follow for new users…
转自 上次博文我们讨论了DNS的基础,本次博文我们重点来看看如何配置一台DNS服务器. [本次博文的主要内容] bind服务器简介(包括客户端工具dig的介绍) 配置正向解析DNS服务器 配置反向解析DNS服务器 配置辅助DNS服务器并在主辅之间实现区域传送 一.BIND服务器简介: Bind是Berkeley Internet Name Domain Service的简写,它是一款实现DNS服务器的…
Linux搭建基于BIND的DNS服务器   实验目标: 通过本实验掌握基于Linux的DNS服务器搭建. 实验步骤: 1.安装BIND 2.防火墙放通DNS服务 3.编辑BIND的主配置文件 4.编辑BIND的域管理文件 5.编辑相应域的记录文件 6.开启或重启BIND服务 7.在客户端测试 参考命令: 1.安装BIND BIND是Linux平台最常用的DNS软件 [root@server Desktop]# yum install bind -y 2.防火墙放通DNS服务 3.编辑BIND主…