Problem Description Consider a Depth-First-Search(DFS) spanning tree T of a undirected connected graph G, we define a T-Simple Circle as a path v1, v2, ..., vk (v1 = vk) in G that contains at most one edge which not belongs to the DFS spanning tree T…
Minimum Spanning Tree Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) [Problem Description] XXX is very interested in algorithm. After learning the Prim algorithm and Kruskal algorithm of minimum spanning tree, XXX…
Problem Description XXX is very interested in algorithm. After learning the Prim algorithm and Kruskal algorithm of minimum spanning tree, XXX finds that there might be multiple solutions. Given an undirected weighted graph with n (1<=n<=100) vertex…
题目链接: Problem Description For a tree, which nodes and edges are all weighted, the ratio of it is calculated according to the following equation. Given a complete graph of n nodes with all nodes and edges…
Minimal Ratio Tree Time Limit : 2000/1000ms (Java/Other)   Memory Limit : 32768/32768K (Java/Other) Total Submission(s) : 12   Accepted Submission(s) : 7 Font: Times New Roman | Verdana | Georgia Font Size: ← → Problem Description For a tree, which n…
考虑每一条非树边都连接了祖先和儿子,类似于序列上的问题,从底往上算,当发现如果走到某个环的祖先,且这个环中还没有被选到,那么就将最浅的那条边贪心选择即可具体实现可以使用bitset维护当前子树的询问,如果这条边选了,那么bitset清空,否则和父亲合并 1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 #define N 2005 4 struct ji{ 5 int nex,to; 6 }edge[N<<1]; 7 bitset…
想到枚举m个点,然后求最小生成树,ratio即为最小生成树的边权/总的点权.但是怎么枚举这m个点,实在不会.网上查了一下大牛们的解法,用dfs枚举,没想到dfs还有这么个作用. 参考链接: #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <set> #include <vector> #incl…
题目链接: 题目大意是有一张n个点的完全图,n个点点权为1-n,边权为两点点权按位与(&).求最小生成树的边权和以及每个点的父节点. 由于边权为点权相与,则每个点如果可以找到他二进制位下0的最小位所代表的十进制数则两点边权为0. 例如1010(10)的最小位0(即右数第二位)所代表的十进制数0010(2),则10与2相连. 特殊情况为1111(15)的最小位0(即右数第5位)所代表的的十进制数为10000…
意甲冠军: 给你一幅这样子生成的图,求最小生成树的边权和. 思路:对于i >= 6的点连回去的5条边,打表知907^53 mod 2333333 = 1,所以x的循环节长度为54,所以9个点为一个循环,接下来的9个点连回去的边都是一样的. 预处理出5个点的全部连通状态.总共仅仅有52种,然后对于新添加一个点和前面点的连边状态能够处理出全部状态的转移. 然后转移矩阵能够处理出来了,高速幂一下就能够了,对于普通的矩阵乘法是sigma( a(i, k) * b(k, j) ) (1<=k<=N…
题目链接: Problem Description Remember our childhood? A few naked children throw stones standing on the same position, the one throws farther win the game. Aha, of course, there are some naughty boys who care…
Problem Description One day, a hunter named James went to a mysterious area to find the treasures. James wanted to research the area and brought all treasures that he could. The area can be represented as a N*M rectangle. Any points of the rectangle…
Description Suppose that G is an undirected graph, and the value of stab is defined as follows: Among the expression,G -i, -j is the remainder after removing node i, node j and all edges that are directly relevant to the previous two nodes. cntCompen…
传送门: 题意:给你两条异面直线,然你求着两条直线的最短距离,并求出这条中垂线与两直线的交点. 需要注意的是,不知道为什么用double就WA了,但是改为long double就AC了. AC代码: #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include &… 题目大意就不多说了,官方的解法是dp,没太理解,自己想了一个直接点的方法,O(n). 既然要计算所有贡献和,对于区间长度为k,假设集合中的元素全都相同,那么这个元素将会贡献给所…
Stealing Harry Potter's Precious Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 126    Accepted Submission(s): 63 Problem Description Harry Potter has some precious. For example, his invisible…
题目链接 #include <map> #include <queue> #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> using namespace std; ]; ; long long quick(long long…
题意:给两个人一些棋子,每个棋子有其对应的power,若b没有或者c没有,或者二者都没有,那么他的total power就会减1,total power最少是1,求最后谁能赢 如果b或c出现的话,flag就标记为1,那么在判断的时候如果flag==0,就说明他们没出现过,那么就要-1,然后就wa了,必须要两个变量判断,不知道为什么 #include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<cs…
题意:一些小伙伴之间有朋友关系,比如a和b是朋友,b和c是朋友,a和c不是朋友,则a和c之间存在朋友链,且大小为2,给出一些关系,求出这些关系中最大的链是多少? 求最短路的最大距离 #include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<queue> #include<map> us…
题意:有一块n*n的田,田上有一些点可以放置稻草人,再给出一些稻草人,每个稻草人有其覆盖的距离ri,距离为曼哈顿距离,求要覆盖到所有的格子最少需要放置几个稻草人 由于稻草人数量很少,所以状态压缩枚举,之后慢慢判断即可,注意放稻草人的格子是不需要覆盖的 #include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include&…
题意:给坐标系上的一些点,其中有两个点已经连了一条边,求最小生成树的值 将已连接的两点权值置为0,这样一定能加入最小生成树里 最后的结果加上这两点的距离即为所求 #include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<queue> #include<map> using namesp…
Problem Description Let f(x) = anxn +...+ a1x +a0, in which ai (0 <= i <= n) are all known integers. We call f(x) 0 (mod m) congruence equation. If m is a composite, we can factor m into powers of primes and solve every such single equation after wh…
Problem Description Bob gets tired of playing games, leaves Alice, and travels to Changsha alone. Yuelu Mountain, Orange Island, Window of the World, the Provincial Museum etc...are scenic spots Bob wants to visit. However, his time is very limited,…
Problem Description A sequence Sn is defined as:Where a, b, n, m are positive integers.┌x┐is the ceil of x. For example, ┌3.14┐=4. You are to calculate Sn. You, a top coder, say: So easy!  Input There are several test cases, each test case in one lin…
HDU 1241 题目大意:给定一块油田,求其连通块的数目.上下左右斜对角相邻的@属于同一个连通块. 解题思路:对每一个@进行dfs遍历并标记访问状态,一次dfs可以访问一个连通块,最后统计数量. /* HDU 1241 Oil Deposits --- 入门DFS */ #include <cstdio> int m, n; //n行m列 ][]; /* 将和i,j同处于一个连通块的字符标记出来 */ void dfs(int i, int j){ || j < || i >=…
题目链接: 题目大意:给你N*M的棋盘,K种颜色,每种颜色有c[i]个(sigma(c[i]) = N*M),现在给棋盘染色,使得相邻的两个棋盘染成不同的颜色,并且把所有颜色用完. 因为棋盘最大为5*5的,因此可以考虑搜索+剪枝. 从左到右,从上到下看当前格子能够染成什么颜色. 有一个限制性条件,就是说如果当前棋盘的格子数量的一半小于一种颜色的数量时,那么就一定有两个相邻的棋盘被染成了相同的颜色. 因为假…
题目链接: 给你T组数据,n个节点,n-1对关系,右边的是左边的父节点,所有的值初始化为-1,然后给你q个操作: 有两种操作: 操作一:T X Y ,将以X为根的子树上的所有节点都变成Y. 操作二:C X,查询第X号点是多少? 没想到是线段树做,就算想到了也想不到用dfs序做... 例子中给你了这样的树: 2 /     \ 3       5 /    \ 4      1 DFS一遍转化成DFS序:2…
HDU 1241  Oil Deposits L -DFS Time Limit:1000MS     Memory Limit:10000KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u   Description The GeoSurvComp geologic survey company is responsible for detecting underground oil deposits. GeoSurvComp works with one large r…
POJ.3321 Apple Tree ( DFS序 线段树 单点更新 区间求和) 题意分析 卡卡屋前有一株苹果树,每年秋天,树上长了许多苹果.卡卡很喜欢苹果.树上有N个节点,卡卡给他们编号1到N,根的编号永远是1.每个节点上最多结一个苹果.卡卡想要了解某一个子树上一共结了多少苹果. 现在的问题是不断会有新的苹果长出来,卡卡也随时可能摘掉一个苹果吃掉.你能帮助卡卡吗? 前缀技能 边表存储树 DFS时间戳 线段树 首先利用边表将树存储下来,然后DFS打上时间戳.打上时间戳之后,我们就知道书上节点对…
HDOJ(HDU).1258 Sum It Up (DFS) [从零开始DFS(6)] 点我挑战题目 从零开始DFS HDOJ.1342 Lotto [从零开始DFS(0)] - DFS思想与框架/双重DFS HDOJ.1010 Tempter of the Bone [从零开始DFS(1)] -DFS四向搜索/奇偶剪枝 HDOJ(HDU).1015 Safecracker [从零开始DFS(2)] -DFS四向搜索变种 HDOJ(HDU).1016 Prime Ring Problem (DF…
HDOJ(HDU).1016 Prime Ring Problem (DFS) [从零开始DFS(3)] 从零开始DFS HDOJ.1342 Lotto [从零开始DFS(0)] - DFS思想与框架/双重DFS HDOJ.1010 Tempter of the Bone [从零开始DFS(1)] -DFS四向搜索/奇偶剪枝 HDOJ(HDU).1015 Safecracker [从零开始DFS(2)] -DFS四向搜索变种 HDOJ(HDU).1016 Prime Ring Problem (…