Installing Firefox and Firebug Installing and Opening Selenium IDE Starting with test cases and test suites Selenium IDE UI, Menu Bar, Options and Advanced Settings Installing Firefox and Firebug Firefox is a very popular browser You can install Fire…
Starting with Selenium WebDriver Selenium WebDriver - Introduction & Features How Selenium WebDriver works? Selenium WebDriver Test Cases Running tests on Firefox, IE, Chrome What are Web Elements? Selenium WebDriver Locating Strategies Web Element I…
Xpath in selenium is close to must required. XPath is element locator and you need to provide xpath during selenium test script creation. You need to provide any element locator(like id, name, css path, xpath etc.) in target column of selenium IDE so…
QUESTION : What books does Bjarne Stroustrup suggest to master C++? ANSWER: A Tour of C++ is a quick (about 180 pages) tutorial overview of all of standard C++ (language and standard library) at a moderately high level for people who already know C++… Groovy-Eclipse is the set of Eclipse plugins that provide Eclipse support for Groovy projects. Installation…
转载于stackoverflow: 感谢George Stocker的总结 Reference Style - All Levels A Tour of C++ (Bjarne Stroustrup) The "tour" is a quick (about 180 pages and 14 chapters) tutorial o…
原文: Content Tutorial Overview What are RESTful Web Services? Creating a RESTful endpoint Package and build the endpoint Deploy the endpoint to OpenShift Building the…