[0]Ruby on Rails 系列回顾 [Ruby on Rails系列]1.开发环境准备:Vmware和Linux的安装 [Ruby on Rails系列]2.开发环境准备:Ruby on Rails开发环境配置 [Ruby on Rails系列]3.初试Rails:使用Rails开发第一个Web程序 [Ruby on Rails系列]4.专题:Rails应用的国际化[i18n] [Ruby on Rails系列]5.专题:Talk About SaSS [1]任务目标 本次主要是要实现一…
python小练习1:设计这样一个函数,在桌面的文件夹上创建10个文本,以数字给它们命名. 使用for循环即可实现: for name in range(1,11): desktop_path='C://Users/Lenovo/Desktop/' full_path=desktop_path+str(name)+'.txt' file=open(full_path,'w') file.close()…
错误一: 程序完整报错: A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed. This is usually caused by different threads using the same instance of DbContext, however instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe. This could…