Theano at a Glance】的更多相关文章

Theano一览 Theano是一个Python库,它允许你定义.优化和求值数学表达式,特别是具有多维数组(numpy.ndarray)的数学表达式.对于涉及大量数据的问题,使用Theano可以获得与手工编写的C实现不相上下的速度.它还可以通过利用最近的GPU超过CPU上的C多个数量级. Theano将计算机代数系统(CAS)的各个方面与优化编译器的各个方面相结合.它还可以为许多数学运算生成定制的C代码.CAS与优化编译的这种组合对于复杂数学表达式重复求值并且求值速度很关键的任务特别有用.对于许…
Transposed Convolution, 也叫Fractional Strided Convolution, 或者流行的(错误)称谓: 反卷积, Deconvolution. 定义请参考tutorial. 此处也是对tutorial中的theano实现做一个总结, 得到一段可用的Deconvolution代码. 反卷积(都这么叫了, 那我也不纠结这个了. )的实现方式之一是前向卷积操作的反向梯度传播过程, 所以在Theano中可使用theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_c…
Theano printing To visualize the internal relation graph of theano variables. Installing conda install pydot graphviz add graphviz path D:\Anaconda\Library\bin\graphvizto system PATH[windows version] or: download installer from http://www.graphviz.or…
Graph Structure Graph Definition theano's symbolic mathematical computation, which is composed of: Apply node: the application of an operator to some variable. Variable node: symbolic varibles. Op node: mathematical operation like: +,-,*,\,sqrt,sum,t…
Theano Inplace inplace Computation computation that destroy their inputs as a side-effect. Example if you iterate over matrix and double every elements, this is an inplace operations. because when you are done, the original inputs has been overwritte…
broadcasting Theano vs. Numpy broadcast mechanism allows a scalar may be added to a matrix, a vector to a matrix or a scalar to a vecotor. Examples T and F stands for True and False respectively, denoting which dimension can be broadcasted. Diference…
selected from Theano Doc Optimizing Scan performance Minimizing Scan Usage performan as much of the computation as possible outside of Scan. This may have the effect increasing memory usage but also reduce the overhead introduce by Scan. Explicitly p…
theano 中的一个函数 sparse_block_dot; Function: for b in range(batch_size): for j in range(o.shape[1]): for i in range(h.shape[1]): o[b, j, :] +=[b, i], W[iIdx[b, i], oIdx[b, j]]) Image Example Input Parameter - W (iBlocks, oBlocks, iSize, oSiz…
说明:系统是unbuntu14.04LTS,32位的操作系统,以前安装了python3.4,现在想要安装theano和keras.步骤如下: 1,安装pip sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools sudo easy_install3 pip 2,安装g++ sudo apt-get install g++ 采用上述命令安装g++,安装完成后可用g++ -version查看是否安装完成.注意,如果没有安装g++,在import theano时会出现以下错误…
import numpy import theano.tensor as T from theano import function x = T.dscalar('x') y = T.dscalar('y') z = x + y f = function([x, y], z)numpy.allclose(f(16.3, 12.1), 28.4) 输出为truenumpy.allclose(z.eval({x:16.3, y:12.1}, 28.4)) 输出为true tensor:高维数组,T…