# If this is set, then multiple APK files will be generated: One per native platform supported by library projects (x86, ARM, etc). This can be important if your project uses large native libraries, which can drastically increase th… 里面配置的东西,在gradle 文件里面可以直接引用. 例如: 在你工程根目录的 文件里面 可以这样配置: ## Project-wide Gradle settings. # # For more details on how to configure your build environment visit #…
一直想着花时间学习下gradle,今天有空.入门一下.参考:极客学院gradle使用指南,官方文档:gradle-2.12/docs/userguide/installation.html,以及百度阅读的官方文档中文译本:gradle翻译 手下下载gradle的zip,然后根据极客学院的教程手动打一遍. 测试代码: 笔记: Chapter 4. Using the Gradle Command-Line each tas…