function PeoplePicker() { this.context = null; this.web = null; this.currentUser = null; this.parentTagId = null this.SetParentTagId = function (id) { this.parentTagId = id; } this.SetLoggedInUser = function () { if (this.parentTagId != null) { this.…
[FROM:] One of the new features of SharePoint 2013 are Device Channels. Find out what they are, how they work and how you can leverage them in your solutions. Channels – it's all about the expe…
Creating a Custom Page Layout in SharePoint 2013 In my last article, I documented how to create a Master Page in SharePoint 2013.  Master Pages define the global chrome elements of your web site.  This article explains how to create custom page layou…
Creating a New Master Page in SharePoint 2013 This article explains how to create a Master Page in SharePoint 2013 from an existing HTML page with associated graphics, scripts, CSS files, etc.  This article is targeted primarily at designers who want…
这篇文章主要基于上一篇的基础上,create a sample workflow by SharePoint Designer 2013. 这里简要说一下我们接下来需要应用workflow完成怎样的一个功能:当在list中add item的时候自动触发workflow来更新title的value. 首先创建一个Custom List named 'MyList'  Site Contents-->add an…
这篇文章主要briefly introduce the Install and configure SharePoint 2013 Workflow. Microsoft 推出了新的Workflow engine 针对于SharePoint 2013 Server--Workflow Manager,这个Service是基于Windows Workflow Foundation的,但是OOTB(out-of-the-box)安装却被隐藏了,当sharepoint 2013 Server安装的时候…
This article will simply descript how to configure and publish a InfoPath step by step. Note: To configure and publish InfoPath to SharePoint 2013 ,required the follow items: (1).SharePoint Enterprise 2013. (2).Microsoft InfoPath Designer 2013. (3).A…
众所周知,SharePoint 2013没有像SharePoint 2010那样有一个叫"以其他身份登录"的菜单项. 当然解决方案也很多,比如你可以直接修改Welcome.ascx,也可以自己拼凑url. 本文主要是通过沙盒解决方案来解决,好处就是一旦创建好,将其打包成wsp文件,然后就可以随处用了. 如果不需要时,也可以通过停用feature来停用即可. 收下创建一个"SharePoint 2013 – 空项目",项目名按需取. 选择部署为沙盒解决方案. 右击新建…
门户视图 随着 Timecard 列表的增多,如何查找和管理这许多的 Timecard 也就成了问题.尤其对于团队经理而言,他除了自己填写的 Timecard,还要审核团队成员的 Timecard 任务更重. 这里我把实际的需求简化成为 2 个主要的视图(但能够提供的效果和实际需求其实是非常接近的): Time Window 视图这个视图列出当前用户在所有可以填写的时间窗口中是否提交了 Timecard,起到提醒的作用. Timecard 视图这个视图列出在 Timecard 网站中,所有当前用…
在 SharePoint 2013 上面实现一个 Timecard 应用的想法来自一个真实的需求,而实现的方案在我脑海里面盘旋已经很久了,终于这几天准备安排点儿时间将它实现出来. “ We started small, then grow up.”—Dont’know who. 需求 Timecard(打卡)应用的需求描述如下. 角色 管理员(Admin),控制可以填写的时间窗口(Time Window). 团队(Team),是被要求打卡的组织内部可管理的群体.比如,部门是一个团队,项目组也是一…