简介 今天接手中行一个交通罚款web工程时,从svn同步下来后,,启动竟然报找不到数据源错误,本来以为很简单解决找了两个小时,现在记录下来. Exception: Name jdbc is not bound in this Context'这个错误网络上一大堆. 1.WEB-INF里的web.xml文件中没有以下配置或者是配置错误: <resource-ref> <description>jdbc/oracleds</description> <res-ref-…
今天做报表的时候,跳转到显示报表页面的时候不出来数据,报错说数据集未产生. 后台报错 javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name jdbc is not bound in this Context 然后我就找那些数据库的配置文件,以为是哪个地方写错了.包括项目中两处,tomcat中一处,都没问题, 最后发现是comfig.xml中的配置没放开,特此记录,防止在犯这种错误. <dsConf> <dataSource> <Name>sm…
在用局部数据源去连数据库的时候,在本地的项目中,都是可以的,可是一部署到服务器上,就报错了. 报的错误是:javax.naming.NameNotFoundException:Name[ XXX] is not bound in this context. 查了下解决方案:在项目的web.xml中加入下面的代码 <resource-ref> <description>DB Connection</description> <res-ref-name>zjut…
SSH2+EasyUI项目用到了快逸报表,启动Tomcat后系统报错: Report System initing...... [2015-06-04 15:03:05] runqianReportLogger : [ERROR] - Name jdbc is not bound in this Context javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name jdbc is not bound in this Context at org.apache.nam…
一.传统的JDBC编程 在java开发中,以前都是通过JDBC(Java Data Base Connectivity)与数据库打交道的,至少在ORM(Object Relational Mapping)框架没出现之前是这样,目前常用的ORM框架有JPA.hibernate.mybatis.spring jdbc等,我一开始也是使用JDBC编程,后面开始使用hibernate,有一次开发一个CRM管理系统使用的是Spring JDBC操作数据库,但个人还是不太喜欢这个框架,本人目前使用的最多还是…
package cn.itcast.spring.jdbc; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.support.JdbcDaoSupport; public class PersonDao extends JdbcDaoSupport{ public void update(){ this.getJdbcTemplate().execute("update person set pname='a' where…
Spring-Boot's auto-configurer seems good for simple applications. For example it automatically creates DataSource and JdbcTemplate, when you need to connect to the database. But what about less trivial configuration, when you have several different d…
Hibernate常见错误合集 1.错误:object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing: com.xxxx.bean.java.Sysblog; nested exception is org.hibernate.TransientObjectException: object references an unsaved transient insta…
Class loading in AS7 is considerably different to previous versions of JBoss AS. Class loading is based on the JBoss Modules project. Instead of the more familiar hierarchical class loading environment, AS7's class loading is based on modules that ha…