Software Development Principle】的更多相关文章

Every great piece of software begins with customer's big idea. As a professional softeware developer, it's your job bring the idea into life, turning it into working code that satisfies your customers. Deliver software that's needed, on time & on bud…
敏捷软件工程(agile software development) VS传统软件工程(traditional software development)      Agile principle    The Agile Manifesto is based on twelve principles(敏捷开发12原则) 1. Customer satisfaction by early and continuous delivery of valuable software 2. Welcom…
Software development skills for data scientists Data scientists often come from diverse backgrounds and frequently don't have much, if any, in the way of formal training in computer science or software development. That being said, most data scientis…
Pragmatic Software Development Tips务实的软件开发提示 Care About Your Craft Why spend your life developing software unless you care about doing it well? 关心你的技艺 如果你不在乎能否漂亮地开发出软件,你又为何要耗费生命去开发软件呢? Provide Options, Don’t Make Lame Excuses Instead of excuses, prov…
软件开发流程(Software development process)即软件设计思路和方法的一般过程,包括设计软件的功能和实现的算法和方法.软件的总体结构设计和模块设计.编程和调试.程序联调和测试以及编写.提交程序.1需求调研分析 ●相关系统分析员和用户初步了解需求,然后用WORD列出要开发的系统的大功能模块,每个大功能模块有哪些小功能模块,对于有些需求比较明确相关的界面时,在这一步里面可以初步定义好少量的界面. ●系统分析员深入了解和分析需求,根据自己的经验和需求用WORD或相关的工具再做出…
[software development] 需求分析checklist // */ // ]]>   [software development] 需求分析checklist Table of Contents 1 Specific Functional Requirements, 功能上的需求 2 Specific Non-Functional (Quality) Requirements, 非功能需求 3 Requirements Quality, 需求的质量 4 Requirements…   distributed environment. You understand networking technology and how servers and networks inter-relate. You reg…
微软近期Open的职位: Job Title: Software Development Engineer Work Location: Suzhou, China The Office 365 Core Fabric group is looking for a Software Engineer to work on a very strategic and secret project in super exciting startup mode! Think starting from…
对“敏捷开发”(Agile Software Development)这个词,我是在这学期邹欣老师<现代程序设计>课上第一次听到的,刚听到时并不知道其具体指什么,只是从字面上直觉其意思应该是快速开发之类的.这次从 Agile Guide . The New Methodology 以及其他一些中文资料上较为详细地了解了敏捷开发方法及其与传统开发方法相比的优势所在,收获颇丰.下面谈谈在这次阅读中所学习到的东西. 一.什么是敏捷开发方法 通常而言,敏捷开发方法是一种以人为核心的.循环的.迭代的开发…
FBX Software Development Kit The FBX Software Development Kit (FBX SDK) allows software developers to create applications that use FBX technology, or to integrate FBX technology into their existing applications. Note that the FBX SDK is not covered b…